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Are you getting angry with the income and wealth inequality in the US today?
2022-04-28 互联网 781 收藏 举报

Are you getting angry with the income and wealth inequality in the US today?

Warren Chicoine
Yes I’m so fucking angry I could fucking explode!!!!!
I stock shelves overnight at Walmart for $18.15/hr. I work plenty of OT, cash in my PTO, live cheap, and invest. I have over $850k now.
Why am I pissed? Why the fuck aren’t my fellow Associates doing the same thing I’m doing? Why the fuck aren’t people doing the same goddamn thing when the opportunity is there staring them in the fucking face?


Allen Eriksen
I’m getting angry at people who complain about income and wealth inequality who are also unwilling to work to close that gap. I have a daughter who has cerebral palsy and spastic quadriplegia (she can’t walk or talk, and she has limited use of her hands). She set out to prove this inequality is self made by people who claim it’s due to the rich by becoming rich herself. When she turned 21, she was offered social security disability. She turned it down saying she felt she could do better than the $700 or $900 per month that it paid. She decided to go to college to major in business, but had seizures during the finals. I pulled her out of her classes for her sake. This did not stop her from working towards her goals. She started studying how millionaires got rich. She found a handful who’s means were within her limitations. She settled for investing. She studied Warren Buffet’s style. She watched Jim Cramer’s shows. (BTW… She found most millionaires are more than willing to help and give advice that helped her get rich) She read other investors methods. Most importantly, she studied why these investors bought the stocks they did. She got lucky a few times like when there was a large jump in silver prices. Before that, she bought into oil futures when oil prices was around $27 a barrel. She then took that money and bought stocks that paid dividends and used the dividends to buy more stocks. She started around 2010. My daughter now has over $780,000 worth of stocks. My daughter would have had more, but she uses part of her dividends to fund scholarships to low GPA students who come from at risk families. She feels these students need the help more-so than the high GPA students. If a student has a high GPS, they can get scholarships fairly easy. There’s almost nothing for low GPA students. My daughter realized there’s very little for their future academically and careerwise. My daughter wants to use herself as proof for these students that the wealth inequality is self made by people who don’t have the drive and don’t believe in themselves to do more than what they have. It’s pure propaganda and brainwashing to keep them at the bottom of the barrel by people who profit politically from their misery. You have to ask yourself, how can an individual who can’t walk and talk can become rich. If she can succeed, why can’t anyone else? I’m not rich. I don’t come from a rich family.My dad was a veteran. I am a disabled veteran. I am a single parent for my two daughters. I’m limited on what I can do not only because of my injuries, but because I have to be available to my daughter should she need me. So I have to ask again, knowing now that my daughter didn’t inherent a pot of gold, how can she earn as much money as she has if there’s oppression to get rich or even to close that income inequality? My conclusion is people think its impossible and refuse to try to work to close that income gap. They lack the belief in themselves. Either their parents convinced them or their peers have convinced them.


Bob Johnson
I’m getting angry because the government is paying perfectly healthy people to stay home and they are using my tax dollars to do it.


David Randall
No, but I’m getting angry from listening to the lazy, jealous morons that think they’re entitled to the wealth that the productive have created.


Philip Peterson
No, not at all.
If Bill Gates has one trillion dollars or one hundred dollars, it makes no difference on my life.
Well, I suppose if he has a trillion dollars he has done enough business to have enriched me somewhat (through dealing with his business in some way or another) or enriched my life with a product I like to use, which would not have happened if he had only the hundred dollars.
So, nope, doesn’t bother me at all.


Sam Share
No, I am not getting angry with the income and wealth inequality in the US today.
I am getting quite irritated that people keep asking about income and wealth inequality as if something should be done about it. There is nothing to do about it. It is a simple fact of nature. Some people create more wealth than they destroy and so become rich. Others destroy more wealth than they create and so become poor. That is the nature of things. Fighting nature is always a losing proposition. You learn to live with nature, not fight it.


John Franklin
I work with alot of people. Most are very liberal leaning, even vehemently sometimes. They all make around 120.000 dollars per year. Occasionally some recieve bonuses, substantial bonuses. Once i went up to one of these well paid employees, and no, I don't have an issue with that. So I say to one of these , im sure, you'll take at least 1000 dollars of your bonus and donate it to help the homeless, the hungry. There are plenty of institutions that help them and could definitely use the money. He just looked at me and said, hell no, I earned that. So I'm pretty sure that people who are complaining about income and wealth inequality amongst the people, would be up in arms if 30 or 40 of thier income was taken away to give to other people.


Pete LaValle
No. I do not give a damn about wealth inequality at all. My. Neighbor having more than me doesn't effect me in the slightest.
I am however more than angry with the greedy bastards that talk about wealth inequality as an excuse to take from those who have more than them.


George Eugene
There is no inequality when you factor in:
1. making the right decisions:
A Finish high school, night school if necessary.
B. Study instead of playing so you can get a free ride in college
C Don't getting pregnant until your married
D Stay married to the same person.
E Avoid excessive alcohol and all illegal drugs
F Don't commit crimes.
2. Get a job and stick to it.
3. Be the kind of employee that bosses value, and want to promote.
4. Have pride in your self and your community.
5. Volunteer to help a good cause, it is a great way to network, and it's the right thing to do.
6. Don't be a jerk.
When you see a person that claims to be a victim, think about how many of the above thing that they elected not to do.
It doesn't matter where you start, following the above will almost guarentee that you don't end up in poverty.
And if for some reason you do, there will be people who will bend over backwards to help you.


Mark Johansen
No. I’m getting frustrated with people who complain about how unfair it is that someone who has a job and works hard and lives frugally has more than they do just because they prefer to lie on the couch all day smoking weed.
If you want to be rich, start by getting a job. Save and invest. Start a business. Is it easy? No. Is it possible? Yes.
BTW I’m not rich. I have an above average income, but I’m far from rich. I work hard enough to earn an amount that I can live comfortably.
One of the Ten Commandments in the Bible is, “You shall not covet … anything that is your neighbors.” Today in America we have whole political movements and at least one party dedicated to the principle of violating that commandment.


Rick Profitt
There is no income or wealth inequality in the U.S. You have no proof that their is because proof does not exist. Why would I get angry about made up bs from people who just complain about the outcome of their own lack of motivation?


Dave Holliday
No I think the people that are driven and passionate should be able to succeed and just so you know there’s nothing stopping you from distributing your wealth and doing your part just start giving it away it’s an easy plan start today


No. People are born different. Growing up, they’re then shaped by their environment and choose different paths. Why should then be the income they earn (if any) be equal?
Wealth has more to do with spending habits and investment mindset than anything else. Windfalls such as lottery winnings and inheritance are more of an exception than the rule. Besides, we all know a story or two of people squandering away money they didn’t work for. Again, it’s the choices you make.


Larry A Nelson
Nope. It does not bother me a bit. The only ones I resent are rich politicians who do nothing but peddle influence and as a result unduly enrich themselves. But entrepreneurs who create jobs and wealth for themselves and thousands if not millions of people are welcome. Thanks Walton family, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates. I may not agree with your liberal politics, but I thank you for creating jobs and wealth.


Brandon Wall
If others can be productive, innovative and idealistic in creating THEIR OWN WEALTH… what's stopping you??


Doug Shaver
No. I’m getting tired of people who have enough whining because some people have more than enough.


Colleen Farrelly
Income inequality isn't as much of an issue as wealth inequality. Generational poverty and generational wealth limit upward and downward mobility across generations. This is where issues arise. Penalizing first-generational high-income people forces them back into their original social class and disincentivizes trying hard, getting a good education, and making smart decisions. Expanding access for people in the lower 80% of the population to rise in social class can help the problem a lot more than penalizing people at the top.


Rick Ferrara
Nope, the all these whiny ass comments about how some people are earning more than others and “it isn’t fair” is total horse shit.
If you want “income equality” improve yourself and earn more.
There are no participation trophies… get over it… EARN your income.


Gavin Brüchequer
Nope, definitely not. I worked my way up from the very bottom to a decent middle class lifestyle. What I’m getting angry with is spoiled little pricks who think they’re entitled to the fruit of other peoples’ hard work without contributing anything.


Elim Garek
Absolutely not. In fact this should be celebrated. If your poor in this country it is because you have made a endless string of bad decisions. In American you are worth exactly what you have earned.


Danny S
I’m unhappy that people don’t seem to understand that wealth inequality has existed for millennia.
The ancients had a class system, where the rich or nobility had money and assets but the poor did not.
For hundreds of years the Church had money while the faithful gave more via tithing.
Every empire had levels of wealth down to slaves or peasants or serfs. The age of Empires collapsed only about 100 years ago, at the end of WW I.
When society moved from agrarian to industrial, the great industrialists had money while the workers had little.
Attempting to simplify an issue that has existed for thousands to tens of thousands of years needs more than a few complainers and calls for basic income and wealth redistribution.


Charles Knouse
No. Anger is unproductive. It is easily exploited, which is a big reason we have Donald Trump as president. Has that helped lessen inequality?
Concern is a better response.


Stefan Stackhouse
The thing that angers me isn't the inequality per se, but rather the way that the wealthy have been able to successfully leverage their money to buy control of the political system and tilt the playing field even more in their favor.


Rick Kennerly
No, but concerned. We’ve been in this coffin corner of the economy before in history and the corrections are painful, tumultuous & not pretty.


George Swanson
That’s how capitalism works: when someone is poor - the other one is rich.
I’m not getting angry just because of the inequality. Should I though? You know, that’s how people live in our times and have always lived this way. Poor are getting poorer and rich are getting richer. Yes, I think that this is indeed a bad thing but believe me, if you’re American - you are privileged and wealthy already. You don’t have to worry about food, clean water. You work, they pay you money and you go to a local grocery to buy all you need.
Now stop bitching around about the difference between people that can’t afford a 800k house and those who can. At least you’re not hungry and ill with some kind of god damn disenteria, TB and cholera…all at the same time.


Kai Williams
What would be the point? It’s always existed and always will. What we have now it certainly much better than what has existed in more distant history.
And if you are dreaming silly dreams of perfect socialism , even in socialist country’s there is still a clas inequality because those with money will always make sure it exists. A utopian ideal of absolute equality exists nowhere in the world and never will. Wars have been fought for it, millions have died throughout history for it and it’s still never happened. There will always be those who have more and those who have less. You can get mad and lead a revolution and crrate chaos and in the end even if you win there will still be someone with more power and more money and those who have none. It’s just how this world is.
Instead of ‘getting mad’ and doing thoroughly useless stupid things, get ‘determined’ to do what you can legally to make the rich do their part for the poor rather than letting them do what they can to get out of it.


John Tucker
I am getting angry with the people who are trying to destroy all wealth and wealth creation and attempting to make themselves and everyone else to become desperately poor, in the name of equality.


Paul Oberst
The national productivity has gone up tremendously as a result of the work of everyone. The income of working people has remained flat for decades, and the productivity growth has flowed almost entirely to the owners. That is not a fact of nature. It is by the design of the owners. And the owners pay the legislators to keep it that way.


Sean Honeycutt
May I suggest that if you are upset about the income and wealth inequality you go earn more money and give it to those who don’t have as much? Be the change you want to see in the world.


Dean Janusz
Hell no. Why does anyone think that making irresponsible decisions over and over, and not willing to make any sacrifices, entitle you to a better than average income or a degree of wealth? Explain that to me. Tell me how sitting on your ass all day guarantees you anything more than a fat lazy ass. !!!


Paul Clark
Yes. I’m angry that public servants—elected and unelected— live and retire better than the people they supposedly “serve”. They produce nothing. They have no consequences for failures and they penalize the people who produce the money for their over priced salaries. The servants are lords of the manor and people they serve are the servants who support them. That is true inequality. We can stop it at any time but since we choose to put up with it, we deserve what we get.


Ralph Acosta
I have personally seen people hired at a higher wage than most because of whom they were related. Not a bad person, but a seven dollar difference is ridiculous. We worked very hard and would ask for a raise and were repeatedly denied. She jokingly asks and is given one without question. They preach teamwork and all we can say bullshit. We recently found out that our supervisors recieved financial compensation for not giving us raises. These actions have undermined good quality people and I am sure that it is happening all over the country.


Allen Mays
Who would I be mad at? Nobody is responsible for my income except me. If I don't like it, I should do something different to make more money. Nobody owes me anything. If I want to be super rich, maybe I should have a great idea that fundamentally changes how people live - like Microsoft, Amazon, etc. - and do a good job of marketing it.


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