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War Games: The Battle For Taiwan
2022-05-24 互联网 691 收藏 举报
Christina Law
China can level Taiwan with missiles, without setting one foot on their land, this is a problem we have to face if we want Taiwan to have any chance of surviving a war with China. Give them the ability to strike long range missile systems and aircrafts.


Doug Fraser
@Christina Law Are you in Highschool, Taiwan has a complete defense system of missiles that have been supplied by the United States decades ago, it is not a back water Nation, it's armed heavily. Is it a match to Chinas capabilities, of course not, but it certainly has the ability to defend itself!


Christina Law
@Doug Fraser 10 anti air systems and 50 jets vs 10000000 Chinese missiles, how does that work?

10架反导系统和50架飞机VS 1000万枚中国导弹,你觉得台湾地区的这点武器会有用吗?

Doug Fraser
@Christina Law If you're talking nuclear, that's incorrect as Russia is first, followed by the United States and China is a distant third for nuclear missiles. If you're talking conventional ballistics, I'm not sure but I will google it to find out!

如果你说的是核导弹数量,那么这个数据是不正确的,因为俄罗斯是第一,美国是第二,中国远远落后是第三。如果你指的是常规弹道导弹,那么我就不知道中国的具体数量了, 不过谷歌一下就可以查出来

Christina Law
@Doug Fraser I'm talking conventional precision missiles, China have A LOT, more than enough to overwhelm Taiwan, even Israel Iron dome cannot stop all of them. If Taiwan wants to win, they must have 10,000 more anti missile systems.


Something they missed when comparing Russia invading Ukraine to the China/Taiwan situation is that Ukraine is many times larger than Taiwan. Russia has taken most of the Donbass area which is already much larger than Taiwan.


DC 10
China will not strike US bases in Japan, and Australia first. The Red team only needs to focus on Taiwan alone and block any possible outside support trying to get to Taiwan. Don't forget China always consider Taiwan issue is an internal affair. It will be a civil war, not an international war.


Martin Brain
Agree with you, Anti-Access/Area Denial


Andrew Chan
Agree. But China is also prepared to act if US start the offensive. Reason -The International countries are interfering with China's internal affair.Unlike US invading other countries, China is protecting its boundaries.


The assumption is China won't be able to survive a long sanctioned like Russia. If they are going to do this, they need to go fast and hard.


Al Superbee
@doctadeath2020 These war-gamers had a lot of naïve assumptions.


Test Phone
@doctadeath2020 war depends on supplies, Taiwan is located close to Chinese mainland and China is the world factory. China’s weakness is energy and food but with Russia’s support the situation is much better for China. With A2AD it is harder for others to get close to Taiwan without risking their lives. China only need to announce blockade on Taiwan, or even just talking about the possibilities of the blockade, no commercial ships would get close. Taiwan’s gas supply only lasts a couple of weeks. If the war depends on supplies, China would have a better chance.


Zann Rebel
@Test Phone Russia can't support itself right now. How's it going to support china?


Test Phone
@Zann Rebel Russia send its energy and food to China and get whatever they need from China. They support each other. Russia might not be able to live a luxury lifestyle but basic needs can definitely be met.


Shiu Lai
All nations separated due to geopolitical reasons long for reunification. This was true for Germany and .Vietnam. This is true for China and the Koreas.
Germany and Vietnam succeeded.
China and the Koreas are struggling to do so.


Han Huynh
I live during the Vietnam wars.
I also have many Taiwanese friends.
To me Taiwanese or main land Chinese are same to me except different thinking, but that different thinking is not that dangerous. What is dangerous is Taiwan get the foreigners help. When this happens, China is force to act!
I give you one example, if the Island of Hawaii would like to separate from the US. The islanders are not even have the same culture or even language and it make totally sense to separate! Now if China or Russia support the idea and help Hawaii goes against the US, at this point do you think the US won’t do anything?


Taiwanese speak, write and even teach Chinese history. To me, I think Taiwan should come back to China voluntary to avoid both sides people from killing each other.
Foreigners are there not for the Taiwanese interests, they are there trying to weaken China and use Taiwan as a battle ground.
There are no winners when wars started, only losers!


south Vietnam followed the US and they lost the country! Over two millions Vietnamese sacrificed and now Vietnam and US are friends again. Tell me who’s is the winner?
It’s not hard to see, just looking back into history! Anyone follow the US, the outcome is deadly!


@Han Huynh nice。Foreigners are there not for the Taiwanese interests, they are there trying to weaken China.


很赞哦! ()
