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Should India, China, and other countries unite and demand reparations for the British empire's crimes?Dr Boo
Author has 67 answers and 7.6K answer viewsSep 20
No. The Chinese mainland or otherwise want no part in the matter. How embarrassing
Why waste time in blaming the past when the time can be used to be top dog and build your own country. I'm sure a the Chinese empire would be fucked the amount of people cming from them. And the China would be cming from everyone too. How far do you go back?
England would need to cm for 1066, Scotland and Ireland from England. Then England would cm France and Germany and the whole of Europe would cm from Italy.
Holy shit….. what a shit show!!
China - World Leader.
Answered by
Fred Chuatiuco
Author has 3.1K answers and 5.9M answer viewsSep 19
Ex-British colonies can sue for their national treasures on display in British museums, as well as the Crown jewels held by the royals, be returned. But other than that, what reparations can they extract from the UK?
The U.K. has nothing of value to cover their colonial looting but they can always pay in British currency money. Just for India alone, it’s estimated to be $45 trillion and if they want these in cash, the printing press would need to use up paper costing more than what the currency is worth.
Jani Jalk
Lives in China (2013–present)Author has 467 answers and 69.4K answer viewsSep 19
Moral reasoning aside, legal basis falls short on said countries not esting as sovereign states in their current form during most of British colonization period.
India didn’t et as such until 1947 as Dominion of India and few years later as a republic.
China beyond some coastal cities was never colonized by the British, and HK and other relatively isolated locations where colonization occurred are divided on whether they consider the British rule more fondly than PRC rule to begin with. Besides, current interpretation in PRC leadership is that no part of China was ever colonized.
You can probably find better cms in some of the “other countries”, but in practice they would need the cms supported by the two bigger countries mentioned above. That is unlikely to come, because at least with China it can backfire with similar demands ag inst the co unist rule.
It is more likely that some individual families could seek compensations, rather than seeing such demands from countries.
Dan Gall
Worked at Canadian Armed Forces (retired) (1972–1997)Author has 54.5K answers and 32.9M answer viewsSep 20
What crimes are you talking about?
The British Empire did not commit crimes. Please list what you think the British did. The British built roads, canals, rail roads, schools, justice sy ems and Go nments. Over 52 nations est today because they were nurtured by the British to become nations.
You are an insult to Canadians, Australians, New Zenders and others. Please educate yourself
Steve Gray
Former IT Support and IT Security at Various (including healthcare, educaton, DOD, go nment) (1980–2015)Author has 2.5K answers and 382.3K answer viewsSep 19
First, China was never part of the British empire. Second, will India and China - both of whom had empires at one point - pay reparations to places they invaded? Of course not, it would be the same as sending you to prison for something your ancestors did hundreds of years ago.
Conor Brown
Lives in Los Angeles (1990–present)Upved by
Vlăduţ Mihai, Master`s History & Modern European History, Faculty of History, University of Bucharest (2016)Updated 4y
What empire rivaled the British Empire?
Originally Answered: Who were the rivals of the British Empire?
In all honesty, the entire world.
Throughout the Pax Brittanica, Britain and her Empire were so mightily influential that they were able to simultaneously compete with all the other great powers of the time - Russia, in the Great Game, France, in the scramble for Africa, Germany, in industrial production.
More importantly for trade, Britain was able to defeat the Qing Dynasty and destroy the Hong monopoly in China, subjugate the Mughals in India, and depose many other regional hegemonies. Given the British Empire’s magnitude, I think that their global interventionism is pretty self-evident.:
Barry Blatt
Leveller and MuggletonianAuthor has 9.2K answers and 6.5M answer views3y
How did the British Empire find China?
The usual way. They sailed around a bit, pissed on rum and sucking limes like they did, keelhauling and sea chantying and other such stuff, until they heard a crunching noise that indicated they’d hit something.
The Captain would tell the bosun to go see what it was, and the bosun would tell the coxswain and he’d kick the parrot and the parrot would squawk and the cabin boy would light a candle and potter off down to the front of the ship.
When he saw a native on the shore come to see who had crashed, the cabin boy hollerd ‘Oi mush! Where the fuck are we?’
If the native said ‘China!’ they knew they were there. If he said ‘piss off’ in his native tonuge then that became the new name of the country on the British maps and they’d bugger off again.
Or they quite possibly looked at a map.
Laurie Pettitt
Former Self Employed Engine Builder at Owner Trader (1973–2015)Author has 3.2K answers and 1.1M answer viewsUpdated 4y
Will Britain at least apologize for the sins caused during the colonization of India?
Will it buggery! India is wealthy, but maintains a massive underclass (29%). It fritters away resources on develo nuclear wons and sabre rattling ag inst the other waste of space state next door. Fighting over a region that neither really want. No sooner is there a hurricane or an earthquake or a flood, than the hands reach out for more International aid. Great Britain was only one of the States that had influence in India. If Britain was so bad, how come so many Indians and Pakistanis and Bangladeshis choose to live here? Why is it that people expect one generation to apologise for the acts of previous generations? Will the descendents of the Barbary Pirates apologise for the thousands of Britons they took into sl very whilst raiding our shores. Will the Pope apologise for the constant incitement to Catholics to attack Prestants or apologise for Bloody Mary? Bugger apology! India was shown a method of go nment which was as enlightened as any other in Europe. It was given infrastructure and a model which it could have improved on. You should read Kipling on how Famine was dealt with and how flood defences were built. All you seem to see is the negative. I am one Briton who will not apologise for my forefathers.
Manas Rath
Social Impact Enterprises, MIT grad, Reiki Master, MumbaiAuthor has 212 answers and 369.4K answer views2y
The British occupation of India is one of history's most e l actions. Why isn't Britain punished for their crimes ag inst humanity in India? Shouldn't Britain pay reparations to India for the permanent dge they caused to the country?
Yes, I absolutely agree, they must.
We must bring forward every Indian who was affected by British occupation, and every Britisher who inflicted pain on Indians, and make then apologize to each other and pay reparations to each other.
We must also study all the international laws that the British Go nment and companies broke when they entered, ruled and exploited India.
We must also return the railroads and water / sewer / agriculture sy ems that the British built in India, unlearn English, dismantle the IAS / military / police and other services established by the British in India, and rebuild from scratch, Indian-style. We don’t need anything from those e l British!!
What about all the Indians who helped the British? Kings, soldiers, business people who helped the British or prospered under them? Should they also pay reparations to the Indians who were hurt by British rule?
We must also revert to our traditional practices like Sati, child marriage etc which the British so cruelly and insensitively tried to abolish!
The Indian Presi nt must immediately move out of Rashtrapati Bhavan and it must be razed to the ground—it was built as home for the British Viceroy.
We can realize that it was the weakness and greed of Indian rulers and people that allowed the British to come in and build their empire.
That Indian soldiers fought for the British and inflicted crimes on Indians, because Indians valued the status and power and money that came from serving the British and were happy to inflict atrocities on others—just as we do today ag inst other Indians in a de acy !!
印度士兵为英国人而战,并对印度人犯下罪行,因为帮英国人做事能给他们带来地位、权力和金钱,他们在施暴中寻求乐趣——就像今天的我们披着皿 煮的外衣对其他印度人所做的事一样!!
That since Independence, Indians have committed as many crimes ag inst Indians and our country as the British did. Maybe more.
That many of our most important institutions that we are so proud of and have benefited from, were set up by the British.
That there would be no IT industry without widespread English skills. Even with this language advantage, see how weak India is on the global stage—imagine where we would be without it!!
That there was no India before the British. We were a collection of small and mostly weak kingdoms. There would be no India, and given how our kings used to squabble with each other, India would have today been a collection of small, irrelevant countries.
And most importantly, that we should stop blaming others for our problems (Britain, China, Pakistan etc) and instead accept our weaknesses and reality, and work honestly and intelligently to improve the lives of Indians, prect our country’s nature and wildlife, teach our ancient wisdom to Indians first and then to the world, and live up to the pential that India has to help the world become more peaceful, loving, inclusive and sustainable.
Suzanne Knowles
Lives in The United Kingdom (2020–present)Author has 2.1K answers and 491K answer viewsAug 20
Should the British crown pay reparations to India and commonwealth for colonialist history and how much?
I think the millions of pounds in Foreign aid being given to these countries over the years would more than be enough.