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Video shows at least 30 students involved in fight at Tucson High School
Steven W
If the adult in the red shirt who was clearly defending himself gets charged with any crimes I will have lost all faith in humanity
James Evans
I lost it a long time ago..welcome to the club
joe jacko
the problem is they told him to take the kids though the back exit and not right though all the other kids who they were fighting but he said if its going to happen its going to happen here and took them right through the group of kids
Steven W
@joe jacko that isn’t a crime, if he didn’t throw the first punch he should be acquitted on the basis of self-defense.
@joe jacko 这又不是犯罪,如果他没有先动手的话,他就因为正当防卫而被判无罪。
joe jacko
@Steven W you understand you can only claim self-defense if you have done everything reasonable to avoid the fight.if i go somewhere i know someone who i just called out or called me out is waiting and i know there is a reasonable possible of a fight it was clearly avoidable i can't claim self-defense
@Steven W 你知道吗?你只有在做了一切合理的事情去规避打斗后才能声称自己是在正当防卫。如果我知道一帮和我有过节的人在某个地方等着我,我明知自己前往那里的话一场打斗将不可避免,但我还去了。那我显然是无法声称自己是在正当防卫的。
Steven W
@joe jacko that is actually incorrect. No matter the circumstances. Whoever swings first is criminally responsible.
@joe jacko你这说法实际上是错误的。无论在什么情况下,谁先出手,谁就要为此承担刑事责任。
Da Gal23
From what I saw the father was defending his son with special needs from the bullies, so thats a hero
joe jacko
the problem is they told him to take the kids though the back exit and not right though all the other kids who they were fighting but he said if its going to happen its going to happen here and took them right through the group of kids
Fuzzy Karma
@joe jacko Why should his rights be infringed because of this?
@joe jacko 为什么他要为此容忍自己的权利受到侵犯?
@joe jacko that's because you should not run from your problems. i'm sure his son learned a great lesson that day. why should they run like rats by the back door? If your father won't teach you to defend yourself, who will?
@joe jacko 那是因为你不应该逃避自己的问题。我相信他的儿子在当天学到了很宝贵的一课。为什么他们要像过街老鼠般走后门跑路?如果你的父亲不教导你保护自己的话,那又有谁会去教你呢?
joe jacko
@DavinciMX standing you ground ageist a bully or two is one thing standing your ground ageist a group of them is stupid
@DavinciMX 和一两个恶霸当面对峙是一回事,和一群恶霸当面对峙就很愚蠢了。
@joe jacko I don't think bravery should be called stupidity. There are heroes in our history who did very risky things that sometimes ended in death, and thanks to those things they achieved a benefit for others, and we do not call them stupid, rather we remember them with respect because they achieved a change even if it was not in their time.
@joe jacko 我认为勇气不应该被称为愚蠢。我们的历史当中有很多英雄都做了非常危险的事情,有时甚至为此付出了生命。他们的勇敢之举为他人争取到了利益,对此我心怀感激,我们不应该说他们是愚蠢的,我们应该做的去铭记和尊敬他们,因为正是他们促成了改变,即便这种改变并没有在他们在世时上演。
Steve AR
@joe jacko This father is hero and did the right thing.He's not a coward like you
@joe jacko 这位父亲是一位英雄,他做了正确的事情。他可不是一个像你这样的懦夫。
Poison Jarl
Every kid throwing punches on him should be tried and spend time in lock up along with publicly disclosing their names to shame them. When you attack someone fighting someone else, you are a coward. That dad had every right to defend his children. If my kids were ever in danger, rip to who ever put them there.
These "children" nowadays be on a whole other level of disrespect and their "gang" mentality makes me sick. A bunch of punks!
Jon Un
If these "kids" attack an adult the adult is within his rights to defend himself
Dar Cam
Tucson High School has had issues for years with fights, gang issues and other problems.
Try decades. My mom and I lived across the street from Tucson high back in the late 80’s to early 90’s. And my elementary school wasn’t far from it. I can remember almost constantly seeing the police either on or around the campus.
Javed Khan
Send them to my country and we will teach them how to behave because strict law makes less crime but stupid law makes more and more Crime.
@Javed Khan Exactly!! I’ve been saying this!! If the consequences are a slap on the wrist than what would criminals have to fear?
Javed Khan
@Dinky The problem with America is there is no strict punishment and that’s why such people take advantage of it. In my country None can do such thing because they know what will be the consequences. Hash punishment and less crime rate no harsh punishment more and more crime.
@Dinky 美国的问题在于他们没有严格的惩罚举措,而这些孩子正是利用这种情况。在我们国家可没有人会做这种事情,因为他们知道自己将会面临怎样的后果。惩罚越严苛,犯罪率便会越低。惩罚越轻微,犯罪率便会越来越高。
Shoryuken SHN
Aww look at the kids playing
To many little wannabe gangsters.
I blame rap music everyone is brainwashed and thinks they are hard. They think they are hard but they are the sheep
@Ghostballs187 Should blame the parents who never disciplined their children.
@Ghostballs187 应该归咎于那些没有管教好自己孩子的父母。
@Ghostballs187 I listen to rap music and have never been phased to do this. Blame their parents for not raising them right.
@Ghostballs187 我就听说唱音乐,但是我从来没有被教唆去做这种事情。应该责怪他们的父母没有正确地抚养他们。
That's just their advanced readying them for prison.
Isn't this type of behavior what Juvie is supposed to be for? Lock them all up so that they learn assaulting someone is illegal at any age.
I will tell you who is wrong without any doubt; the school. Any school shouldn't allow bullying in the first place, it has to be adressed as soon as detected
thereisnosuchthingasanativeamerican mic
Who picks on a kid with special needs? That’s what I wanna know? If you are in high school and still that ignorant or immature..... then that’s ridiculous. Not advocating violence(because they will cancel me) but I’d love to see them young punks get taught a real lesson.
My Name Is Daniel Tee
I’d sue the school district for allowing it.
Прыгающая маска
I’m sad that there’s not that much security. My sister goes to that school and she tells me and my mom fights happen every second.
Jae Lynn
My friend and I were just talking about how Vegas isn't worth it, and I said, 'I hear Tucson is nice this time of year." Guess I was wrong!
Looked like a good old fashioned race riot.
You can't defend your kids anymore!? I'm going to jail then. That's what real parents/Guardians do!
A Thompson
Wow! A good old fashioned brawl. Without even a mention of a gun being drawn. Mostly surprising, considering this was TUCSON ARIZONA!!!
Angus Nock
The only right thing is to do is to either suspend or expel all students involved
Ciber Redes
Those Bullies should go to Jail for insulting a kid with special needs, the parents of those Bullies should be very proud of the monsters they created.
Fay Knox
What the hell is wrong with kids these days...smh
Joe Mama
The schools need to be better at preventing bullying . They don’t care though
Feliciano Paixão
It is difficult for civilization to reach this society. This country lives in the middle ages.
Joe Devine
Good practice for the prison yard where I guess most of them will end up.
My school is literally in front of this highschool. I’m planning to even go to this highschool
Mark Martinez
kids who bully other kids should be removed from school permanently. no place in society for them. no second chances either. other than that, they will continue ruin other kids lives. if you eliminate the bullies, you eliminate the problem...simple.....
One thing about high school boys most of them haven't got an adult males physique so they can't punch that hard and that is why you see all of them windmilling and get up and try again. Most of it is just bravado, kids will be kids.
Keep in mind that as weak as they are, they are ganging up on another individual who also lacks strength. This is something different than a one-on-one fight. Collectively these thugs are dangerous.
Shazam Strongest Human Superhero!
I can just imagine.. someone pull out a gun. The field will be clear out in 1 minite
parker Trumpower
Welcome to the land of the free.
If the adult in the red shirt who was clearly defending himself gets charged with any crimes I will have lost all faith in humanity
James Evans
I lost it a long time ago..welcome to the club
joe jacko
the problem is they told him to take the kids though the back exit and not right though all the other kids who they were fighting but he said if its going to happen its going to happen here and took them right through the group of kids
Steven W
@joe jacko that isn’t a crime, if he didn’t throw the first punch he should be acquitted on the basis of self-defense.
@joe jacko 这又不是犯罪,如果他没有先动手的话,他就因为正当防卫而被判无罪。
joe jacko
@Steven W you understand you can only claim self-defense if you have done everything reasonable to avoid the fight.if i go somewhere i know someone who i just called out or called me out is waiting and i know there is a reasonable possible of a fight it was clearly avoidable i can't claim self-defense
@Steven W 你知道吗?你只有在做了一切合理的事情去规避打斗后才能声称自己是在正当防卫。如果我知道一帮和我有过节的人在某个地方等着我,我明知自己前往那里的话一场打斗将不可避免,但我还去了。那我显然是无法声称自己是在正当防卫的。
Steven W
@joe jacko that is actually incorrect. No matter the circumstances. Whoever swings first is criminally responsible.
@joe jacko你这说法实际上是错误的。无论在什么情况下,谁先出手,谁就要为此承担刑事责任。
Da Gal23
From what I saw the father was defending his son with special needs from the bullies, so thats a hero
joe jacko
the problem is they told him to take the kids though the back exit and not right though all the other kids who they were fighting but he said if its going to happen its going to happen here and took them right through the group of kids
Fuzzy Karma
@joe jacko Why should his rights be infringed because of this?
@joe jacko 为什么他要为此容忍自己的权利受到侵犯?
@joe jacko that's because you should not run from your problems. i'm sure his son learned a great lesson that day. why should they run like rats by the back door? If your father won't teach you to defend yourself, who will?
@joe jacko 那是因为你不应该逃避自己的问题。我相信他的儿子在当天学到了很宝贵的一课。为什么他们要像过街老鼠般走后门跑路?如果你的父亲不教导你保护自己的话,那又有谁会去教你呢?
joe jacko
@DavinciMX standing you ground ageist a bully or two is one thing standing your ground ageist a group of them is stupid
@DavinciMX 和一两个恶霸当面对峙是一回事,和一群恶霸当面对峙就很愚蠢了。
@joe jacko I don't think bravery should be called stupidity. There are heroes in our history who did very risky things that sometimes ended in death, and thanks to those things they achieved a benefit for others, and we do not call them stupid, rather we remember them with respect because they achieved a change even if it was not in their time.
@joe jacko 我认为勇气不应该被称为愚蠢。我们的历史当中有很多英雄都做了非常危险的事情,有时甚至为此付出了生命。他们的勇敢之举为他人争取到了利益,对此我心怀感激,我们不应该说他们是愚蠢的,我们应该做的去铭记和尊敬他们,因为正是他们促成了改变,即便这种改变并没有在他们在世时上演。
Steve AR
@joe jacko This father is hero and did the right thing.He's not a coward like you
@joe jacko 这位父亲是一位英雄,他做了正确的事情。他可不是一个像你这样的懦夫。
Poison Jarl
Every kid throwing punches on him should be tried and spend time in lock up along with publicly disclosing their names to shame them. When you attack someone fighting someone else, you are a coward. That dad had every right to defend his children. If my kids were ever in danger, rip to who ever put them there.
These "children" nowadays be on a whole other level of disrespect and their "gang" mentality makes me sick. A bunch of punks!
Jon Un
If these "kids" attack an adult the adult is within his rights to defend himself
Dar Cam
Tucson High School has had issues for years with fights, gang issues and other problems.
Try decades. My mom and I lived across the street from Tucson high back in the late 80’s to early 90’s. And my elementary school wasn’t far from it. I can remember almost constantly seeing the police either on or around the campus.
Javed Khan
Send them to my country and we will teach them how to behave because strict law makes less crime but stupid law makes more and more Crime.
@Javed Khan Exactly!! I’ve been saying this!! If the consequences are a slap on the wrist than what would criminals have to fear?
Javed Khan
@Dinky The problem with America is there is no strict punishment and that’s why such people take advantage of it. In my country None can do such thing because they know what will be the consequences. Hash punishment and less crime rate no harsh punishment more and more crime.
@Dinky 美国的问题在于他们没有严格的惩罚举措,而这些孩子正是利用这种情况。在我们国家可没有人会做这种事情,因为他们知道自己将会面临怎样的后果。惩罚越严苛,犯罪率便会越低。惩罚越轻微,犯罪率便会越来越高。
Shoryuken SHN
Aww look at the kids playing
To many little wannabe gangsters.
I blame rap music everyone is brainwashed and thinks they are hard. They think they are hard but they are the sheep
@Ghostballs187 Should blame the parents who never disciplined their children.
@Ghostballs187 应该归咎于那些没有管教好自己孩子的父母。
@Ghostballs187 I listen to rap music and have never been phased to do this. Blame their parents for not raising them right.
@Ghostballs187 我就听说唱音乐,但是我从来没有被教唆去做这种事情。应该责怪他们的父母没有正确地抚养他们。
That's just their advanced readying them for prison.
Isn't this type of behavior what Juvie is supposed to be for? Lock them all up so that they learn assaulting someone is illegal at any age.
I will tell you who is wrong without any doubt; the school. Any school shouldn't allow bullying in the first place, it has to be adressed as soon as detected
thereisnosuchthingasanativeamerican mic
Who picks on a kid with special needs? That’s what I wanna know? If you are in high school and still that ignorant or immature..... then that’s ridiculous. Not advocating violence(because they will cancel me) but I’d love to see them young punks get taught a real lesson.
My Name Is Daniel Tee
I’d sue the school district for allowing it.
Прыгающая маска
I’m sad that there’s not that much security. My sister goes to that school and she tells me and my mom fights happen every second.
Jae Lynn
My friend and I were just talking about how Vegas isn't worth it, and I said, 'I hear Tucson is nice this time of year." Guess I was wrong!
Looked like a good old fashioned race riot.
You can't defend your kids anymore!? I'm going to jail then. That's what real parents/Guardians do!
A Thompson
Wow! A good old fashioned brawl. Without even a mention of a gun being drawn. Mostly surprising, considering this was TUCSON ARIZONA!!!
Angus Nock
The only right thing is to do is to either suspend or expel all students involved
Ciber Redes
Those Bullies should go to Jail for insulting a kid with special needs, the parents of those Bullies should be very proud of the monsters they created.
Fay Knox
What the hell is wrong with kids these days...smh
Joe Mama
The schools need to be better at preventing bullying . They don’t care though
Feliciano Paixão
It is difficult for civilization to reach this society. This country lives in the middle ages.
Joe Devine
Good practice for the prison yard where I guess most of them will end up.
My school is literally in front of this highschool. I’m planning to even go to this highschool
Mark Martinez
kids who bully other kids should be removed from school permanently. no place in society for them. no second chances either. other than that, they will continue ruin other kids lives. if you eliminate the bullies, you eliminate the problem...simple.....
One thing about high school boys most of them haven't got an adult males physique so they can't punch that hard and that is why you see all of them windmilling and get up and try again. Most of it is just bravado, kids will be kids.
Keep in mind that as weak as they are, they are ganging up on another individual who also lacks strength. This is something different than a one-on-one fight. Collectively these thugs are dangerous.
Shazam Strongest Human Superhero!
I can just imagine.. someone pull out a gun. The field will be clear out in 1 minite
parker Trumpower
Welcome to the land of the free.
很赞哦! ()