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Why do Korea, China, and Japan have a similar language?
2022-06-12 互联网 1153 收藏 举报

Why do Korea, China, and Japan have a similar language?

Kim Benk, former Esl Teacher(retired)
Because China used to be the only cilization in Asia with a writing system. More than 50 percent of vocabs in Korean and Japanese come from China but they do have their own versions which are used for daily use where as the Chinese origin words are used more or less academically. It is like English snd Latin origin words. Grammatically Korean and Japanese are almost identical. The verb always comes at the end athough the sound is similar like Italian and Spanish. Lots of false friend words in those two and many Koreans make fun of some Japanese words for sounding something funny and entirely different from the same or similar phonetic words in Korean.

Chinese grammar is surprisingly a lot similar to English grammar as the verb always comes after the subject. Howver it has no prepositions and each syllable has 4 different tones and can mean 4 or more different things It is one of the most difficult languages with over 5000 basic characters to learn. Korean has only 24 letters similar to the phonetic Roman alphabets . Japanese got their own characters as well but still use about 2000 Chinese characters surprisingly.龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com

Tyler Timm
Quite the contrary. They don't.
The three languages are more different than Spanish and English. Japanese and Korean are not even related to Chinese, and they have very different grammars, very different sounds and more.
The only thing similar between the three languages is the writing system. Japan and Korea didn't have a writing system, until they basically imported theirs from China.
The Japanese writing system made many changes, and is easily distinguished from the others. So their writing system is very similar, but with notable differences. Japanese is only related to a few small languages. At one point it was thought to be a language isolate. It's not related to spoken chinese at all.
The Korean writing system started out much like Chinese with few changes, but they revamped their writing system with one that is unique to them. It is also easily distinguished from Chinese unless they are writing in Hanja. Most recent texts are not. Korean is a language isolate. There are no languages that are similar.


Benjamin Marr, Chinese, a perpetual learner
Japanese and Korean language are both regarded as ‘orphan’ languages, and may be remotely related to each other as they have similar grammar structure, while Chinese belongs to a totally different language family and has ‘sibling’ languages, e.g. Tibetan.
So they are not the same, not even cognate.
However, in history Korean and Japanese both borrowed vocabulary from Chinese in large scale, and in the recent centuries Chinese borrowed a lot of words from westernised Japan. So you might be able to say that to some extent these three languages are lexically ‘same/cognate’ .


Kong Thao
While Korean and Japanese were influenced by Chinese, they in no way are related to each other (though, Korean and Japanese may still be debatable.)
Modern English has been heavily influenced by Latin, Greek, French, etc. But at the end of the day, it's still a Germanic language, not Romance.


Phillip Wayne, Retired
They are not similar. Chinese (for the sake of brevity, I will assume Putonghua) is tonal and the base words to not change for number, tense, case, or anything else. Japanese is a japonic language, and Korean (as far as we can tell) is a linguistic isolate, totally unrelated to anything else as far as we know. So, the answer is “
They don’t have similar languages”


Daniel Liang, Student, gamer, pop culture fan, and wikian.
Korea, China and Japan DO NOT speak the same language. Korea speaks Korean, Japan speaks Japanese, and China speaks Chinese, which are all very different
if you are asking about why they sound alike, it is because they may have influenced each other, from what I recall, China influenced Japan and Japan influenced Korea.


Tim Tran, studied at Brooklyn Technical High School
That’s like asking why English, Spanish, and Russian sound similar. Maybe it’s because you’re foreign to these languages and can’t hear the difference. And the fact that they all influenced one another vocabulary-wise at some point.


Benish Waheed, former Doctor
I think these people some how have same origin thats why some of there culture is much similar….i only visted china love the bright culture and peoples Wa ai ne zonghu( i love china)


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