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Which kind of cultures makes more sense: those, like Chinese, that consider rude to say "Thank you" to a friend for passing you something ("Am I stranger for you that you need to thank me") or those, like Italian, that consider rude not to say it ("D
2022-06-13 互联网 858 收藏 举报

Which kind of cultures makes more sense: those, like Chinese, that consider rude to say "Thank you" to a friend for passing you something ("Am I stranger for you that you need to thank me") or those, like Italian, that consider rude not to say it ("Don't you appreciate my help?")?

The latter. Gratitude shouldn't be reserved for strangers doing something nice for you. Yeah, it's kinda expected that family & friends would help out and support you, within reason (and vice versa). But it feels good to be recognized and appreciated for the things you do to make others feel good. Recognition and reciprocity, not entitlement and taking for granted.


That's a good point. But someone could reply (1) "We have other ways to express our gratitude: smiles, compliments, kind acts..." and (2) "If you say "Thank you" for everything then these words lose most of their meaning". I find the point 2 better than the 1.


I disagree. I don't believe frequency and sincerity are mutually exclusive. Why does "thank you" lose its meaning more than any of the other words we use to communicate? If you judge the ways in which people express their gratitude (unless that way is "not at all," of course) then that's a flawed thought process that you need to deal with.


Obviously there's a factor of nuance that makes it a case-by-case basis. If someone just gives the most dull, unenthused, deadpan "thanks... thanks... thanks..." every time you go out of your way for them, then that's something you need to take up with them in a civil and open-minded manner.


Of course it's better to put more passion behind your gratitude sometimes (maybe a "thank you so much! You're the best!" once in a while). But someone might be a bit afflicted and preoccupied might have a difficult time expressing themselves and being all cheery and animated, but it still doesn't mean their gratitude is any less genuine & heartfelt


If repetitious, monotone thank "you's" are all you're getting from someone and it bothers you, civilly discuss it with them and find out if it's a misunderstanding on your part or something they should be more conscious of or a combination thereof.


I agree with you, frequency and sincerity are not mutually exclusive, and words are not everything.


What I meant was that frequency and significance may be inversely proportional: if you thank your mother for passing you the salt, then your "Thank you" will lose the meaning of "I am surprised by your kindness for something that was not due to me and I will return the favour the sooner possible" that would have if you used it only in exceptional cases.
For example, Italians greet saying "ciao", that originally meant "I'm your slave": using it to greet everyone made it lose its meaning.


Again, that's why you should use something like "thank you so much! I can't tell you how much I appreciate you!" for the things that are a lot more significant than passing the salt. It's all in the scenario and inflection.


Yes, cultures that say "Thank you" a lot compensate its banalization adding more words, like people that are used to promise things that they won't do ("I swear that I will do it, whatever it takes, and if I will not do it..." and so on). I think that the difference between nothing and "thank you" is more relevant than that between "thank you" and the longest and kindest way to thank. I was wondering what kind of cultures work better (if any): those in which "thank you" is sparely said or those in which it is said dozens of times a day. You've made good points for the latter.


I get what you're saying. I think a lot of people do have a tendency for "thank you" to slip out subconsciously and disingenuously, just because they're programmed to know that they are "supposed to" say it in that moment, not because they're genuinely grateful. But do other cultures not ever allow themselves to become complacent/"auto pilot" or whatever? A lot of people aren't big on formalities like that at all, which is fine too. They ask (or tell) you to pass the salt, you do, and they don't even look at you or acknowledge you. It's not really such a huge deal imo.


Unless people are really being rude/indifferent ingrates for you doing some huge, significant things for them, then let each individual decide how formal and ass-kissy they are, without feeling entitled to their acknowledgement for every little thing. I always find it funny when people say Americans don't have any culture like it's an insult lol. I'd rather spend my time how I want to, and not dress up in dragon suits and dance around and wear certain attires on certain holidays just because my ancestors did.


I find your American point of view really interesting. My girlfriend (Chinese) and me (Italian) are trying to create a common culture taking the best from others, and your "American" way of thanking is a viable option. I wonder if it is actually possible for a culture to follow proficiently the rule that you propose ("Everyone is free to thank when he wants, no one expects to be thanked for everything): wouldn't it cause misunderstandings and avoidable conflicts? Can basic things like greeting, thanking and apologizing be personal and not generically shared by all the members of a society? I mean, if 25% always say "thank you", 50% sometimes and 25% seldom this may cause troubles in the long run in a society, until people will adapt (in order to conform to social expectations) to say always "Thank you" or just in exceptional cases. This is perhaps why we find cultures in which thanking parents is considered rude and others in which not to thank them is considered rude, and not cultures that lay in the middle (but maybe they exist, I would like to know).


I assume it's just because I was raised in a culture like the latter, but it seems strange that friends would not expect an acknowledgement of doing something for you.


If you are really my friend, you won't think me rude regardless of which I do. You'll understand me.
I suppose friendship could be asymmetrical.


When in Rome


both have their points honestly so it's hard to say
for me it's Italian because I'm person of this culture


They both make sense


Both of them make sense. Neither's obxtively better. It's all just about following whichever rules everyone's agreed on.


Sorry, I did not express clearly the question: I meant to say "Which functionally makes more sense". Which one (if anyone) is more effective in building a functional community. In other terms: if you had to create a new culture, which one would you choose?


Tbh even though I tend to say "thanks" as much as that Italian, I'd actually pick the more-reserved Chinese option if I could.
Comfortable silence is nice. Less small talk isn't a bad thing.
And maybe people would show their gratitude in meaningful, physical ways more often.


Yes, that is a very good point for the Chinese option, but there is a possible problem: do people remember to show gratitude to others if they are not educated to do something easy but meaningful (in a word: symbolical)? I agree with you that reciprocating is the best way to thank someone, but it requires maybe too much effort and attention from everyone's everyday life. Maybe a symbolical (and often automatic) gesture continually done is better than another meaningful but not so constant. I don't know.


I've always liked the eastern cultures, they seem so much more refined, fancy and purposeful. I love my country and culture, Germany, but compared to some of the eastern, Chinese and Japanese, ways of living the westerners look kind of barbaric and blunt.


In this case, as far as I know, Japanese are more like Italians: you have to say "thank you" to your parents and friends. By the way, in Germany you thank for every little thing as in Italy, don't you?


I dont think its a general "one is right the other is wrong " kind of thing. It depends on every individual and their specific preferences. I dont really like people thanking me but i still thank others outside of my closest circle.
I don't think how you say thank you needs to be cultural it should be individual.


That could be, and a culture in which saying thank you is individual would be an interesting culture, but in the cultures that I know saying thank you or not is not really an option: if you thank your parents for the dinner in China you are seriously insulting them; while if you don't thank others in Italy you will soon be an outcast


In some other European countries the thank you is implied, and saying ‘Thank You’ makes the request seen as begging.
When I was travelling and found myself in Malta I was told about it by some of the locals.


很赞哦! ()
