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What do South Koreans think of China?
2022-05-13 互联网 803 收藏 举报

Joseph K. Kim
I am talking about myself, and South Korean people in general here, not the governments.
1.Chinese people are generally more easy-going than South Korean people. I think South Koreans lack substantially on this matter.
2.Chinese people may seem very straight-forward, but when doing business, it’s not really the case. Koreans find it somewhat hard and difficult to figure out what Chinese people want when doing business.
3.Chinese people are much more diverse. I like interacting with Chinese people in non-business settings because of this. They are all different and unique, which is not the usual case when interacting with Koreans.


4.Chinese people are much more open-minded(except with CCP related matter, which I think it would polite not to bring it up as a subject when talking to Chinese).
When Koreans see something that is unusual to them, they are often critical and negative about it, but Chinese people at least to my experience, is much more curious and open-minded towards new things.
5.They are good conversationalists. One thing I find it common between Japanese people and Chinese people is that they are much more individualistic compared to Korean people. Each Chinese person have distinct personal values and beliefs.
However, Japanese people tend to keep things to themselves, but Chinese people tend to open up more easily, expressing themselves colorfully. So even a brief conversation with a stranger at the airport gate can result a very interesting dialogue when in China.


6.Any Korean that have visited more than one city in China will admit how vast and diverse China is. Like all other countries in Asia, learning about Chinese history is a must to understand his/her country’s history.
Learning and knowing about Chinese history and its rich culture in past, I feel a bit of concern for China for its lost cultures and current internal situations that doesn’t fully utilize its potential.
7.Chinese are proud people, but sometimes it is a little too much to a degree that neighboring countries like Korea and Japan to feel threatened.
I think if China can propose an alliance or partnership to its neighbors, that places each countries on more of equal terms, things could be a lot different.
But we all know that’s nearly impossible due to our fucked up history in past. Some country in East Asia, you-know-which-one, have basically wiped up any chance to form a true meaningful alliance among East Asian countries. Yes, I am talking about Japan.


8.Yes, Chinese are late bloomers compared to Japan and Korea, but we all know they are now bigger than the rest of us. Urbanization is still happening rapidly, and it is obvious people are changing in China.
However, this materialistic value and other shitty aspects followed by economic growth and urbanization, which Korea and Japan have and still suffer from - China is no exception.
I personally feel a little regretful because China has much more potential than Korea and Japan when it comes to cultural values and original philosophy.
Korea and Japan nearly lost all of its core Asian values and mindset, and I was hoping China to once again revive them being the root of it all, but seeing how things are going, it seems China will most likely be no different.
They say 8 is a lucky number in China, I may stop here then.


Hosiki Kim, Living in Busan
Based on what I learned in history class, Korea flourished when it was friendly with China.
While maintaining such close relations for so long, South Korea has come to respect dynasties of China governed by Han Chinese such as Tang, Song, and, Ming Dynasties.
Koreans really liked the Chinese dynasties of Han Chinese, so they fought back against the dynasties established by aother ethnic groups such as Yuan and Qing dynasty.
And of course, And Korea was devastated.


Injo, the Korean king, takes great disgrace when he resists the emperor of the Qing Dynasty.
Poor ancient Koreans loved Han Chinese so much that they didn't know how the world changed.
This relationship has become very complicated in recent years.
As you all know, Korea has been divided into two countries. North Korea was born with the help of China and the Soviet unx, while South Korea was born with the help of the United States and the West.


For these innate reasons, South Korea was forced to stay away from China. (South Korea liked Taiwan at the time......)
As China rose to the global stage with its economic growth, South Korea slowly began to change its view of China. Simply put, South Korea has begun to like China again.
Of course, it is true that these days, the relationship has become estranged again due to political reasons such as the THAAD and North Korea's nuclear weapons.
But isn't friendship stronger after strife and antagonism? I think good friends are people who can fight and make up.
It is not easy to organize Koreans' thoughts at once, but I believe that if China cares more about Korea, Korea will pay back.


Jasper Ko, studies English Literature at Korea University (2024)
I may not represent the entirety of the Korean populus, however I do believe that;
A. The Chinese are too diverse to be generalised.
The Chinese population has almost 2 billion people, including overseas citizens. You simply cannot throw a quarter of the Earth's population into a single stereotype, that would simply be preposterous. However, the opinion that the Chinese are loud and rude persists within Korea only because we have seen a small portion of the Chinese whom act so; from my personal experience, Chinese people who have settled down in various places, such as South-East Asia/Europe, act much more sophisticated than their tourist counterparts.

A. 中国人太多样化了,不能一概而论。

B. The Chinese government might have too much of a hold on their people.
I'm not saying that Beijing is holding the nation in a Kim Jeong Un style dictatorship, but from what my Chinese peers have stated, the government controls what their people see on the internet, the media, and on social networking. A close friend of mine warned me beforehand that she would not be able to contact me through conventional methods while she was back in China, due to the government blocking their respective domains.

B. 我并不是说中国是一个金正恩式的ducai统治国家,但据我的中国同龄人所说,控制...互联网、媒体和社交网络上所能够看到的内容。我的一个好朋友事先警告过我,由于oo了他们各自的域名,她在中国期间无法通过常规方式联系我。

C. China, as a country, is integral to the survival of Korea.
Both South and North Korea rely heavily on China; Pyeong-Yang as in Beijing being its sole remaining ally(?), and also its international guideline, and Seoul as in its high trade reliance on China, along with the diplomatical situation.
The moment China started hurling sanctions at Korea post-THAAD, several of our largest brands that had expanded to China started crashing, followed by our entire stock market plummeting. The impact was huge, and we're still worried that the Orange Man on the other side of the Pacific might trigger China's rage again, leading to another disaster here in Korea.

C. 中国作为一个国家,对韩国的生存来说是不可或缺的。

D. The Chinese, at least the group of them that we are exposed to the most, are generally on the tip of most spectrums.
I did mention that the Chinese are nigh impossible to generalise, however there are small points that aren't worthy of mention as individual characteristics, but form something as a group.
To start off simple, the Chinese are, once again, diverse. Compared to, say, Japan, a country where conformity and consistency is considered the very basics of social life, China seems to support a much more active, differentiated society.
Their food is also rather extreme (not in a bad way). One could say that the Chinese exceed even the French in their culinary diversity, with dishes ranging from huge roasted ducks, to barbequed scorpions. I personally am I big fan of Sichuan-style food (perhaps being Korean might've affected this), with its extreme spice, and that tang of bitter flavour left after you swallow.
On a political note, they stand pretty much on the opposite side of the U.S. now, since nobody's favourite Orange is hell-bent on driving the nation back to its nationalist far-right ages. I sincerely hope that China beats the idea that you do not simply walk into a trade war into Trump's tiny brain.

D. 中国人,至少是我们接触最多的那群中国人,通常处于大多数光谱的顶端。
E. Just my opinion, but I absolutely love 漢字.
I'm sorry to say this, but I do slightly regret that the Chinese and Japanese have simplified their characters. I understand that 繁體字 is rather unwieldy and difficult to read, but simplified characters don't have the same beauty that the complex curves and angles that traditional characters have. However, I do appreciate their efforts to maintain the system instead of replacing it for something more modern. (Hangeul is easy to learn and understand, but I still kind of miss the complex meanings held by 漢字.)

Post-writing, I've noticed that my answer wasn't really about the Chinese but more about China itself. My apologies, but I hope that it helps answer your question a bit at least.

E. 个人观点,我真的很爱汉字。

I think Chinese are alright. Some people criticize Chinese tourists but thats just how tourists from any newly developed country acts, Koreans did it too, so did the Japanese, and so did the Americans. They seem really anti Korea especially on the internet right now but I get along with them just fine in real life, this tells me they don’t really hate koreans they're just mad at us.


Dahyun Kim, lived in Beijing, China (2018-2022)
As an ethnic Korean who have been living in Beijing for 2 years, here’s what I think of Chinese people (not to be confused with the country):
Light-hearted - Chinese tend to be more easy going than Koreans. That’s the biggest difference. They joke around more and are less serious in their conversations.
Straightforward - There’s no vagueness or ambiguity in what they mean except when there’s language barrier. There’s also no honorifics in Chinese like you have in Korean.
Practical - They don’t cry over spilt milk or get too emotional. When there’s a problem they try to find a solution. If it can’t be fixed they move on. They don’t get dragged down by emotions which I think helps them make more rational decisions.


Optimistic - I noticed people are more optimistic and positive here. They seem happier overall than Koreans. Maybe there’s also a bit of naïveté that’s refreshing. They’re also less uptight or aloof like many Koreans. They are easier to get along.
Fashionable - Contrary to the stereotype that most Koreans have, young Chinese people these days are very fashionable. There’s more variety to their hair styles and clothes than in Korea. People seem more open to different styles and interests. They are not afraid to try something new.
Global mindset - Chinese people tend to speak better English than most Koreans if we compare the younger folks. They also seem to travel more internationally and do more business even outside Asia.


Lack of emotion - It seems like the Chinese are a little too apathetic sometimes. They do not have strong emotions or opinions about anything in particular, so it’s difficult to have deeper conversations. As they are practical folks, it’s difficult to talk about art, literature, religion etc.

“Good enough” 差不多 attitude - Chinese are the opposite of Japanese who are perfectionist (which is also bad). They sometimes seem to do things just to get things done which often results in more problems later on. On the positive side, people make decisions and execute on them fast.

Lack of empathy - It’s every man for himself. They don’t seem to care about other people’s feelings, not in a malicious way though. Community bond or Good Samaritan deeds just do not exist. Recently I noticed an old man was assigned to sort the garbage in our apartment community. He sorts trash all day in the cold these days. Nobody seems to be willing to sort their own trash to save this man the trouble.
Passive - Contrary to popular Korean opinion, Chinese people are not headstrong or aggressive. Quite the opposite. Most are actually extremely reserved and passive. Like with Japanese and Koreans, social interactions can be awkward as a result.
Overall my impressions of Chinese people are very positive. Before I came to China I mostly saw them negatively because of the poor stereotypes in both Korea and the west.


Jay Lee, Finance, Technology, Multiculturalism
With mixed emotions.
People understand that its a big neighbor that you want to be friends with and not piss off, and it is a source of great wealth for South Koreans (as a trading partner, as a place to do business, etc.)
They also understand that it is a giant that is building steam and effectively competing with Korea in many areas of business so we see them as a competitor
The sheer awe of scale. People understand that this country is a ginormous monster of a powerhouse. The typical expression: "their middle class, which is a sliver of their entire population, is larger than our entire Korean population"


Folks recognize there is a lot of cultural cross pollenization and cultural influence from China. Historically a lot of cultural elements were from the Chinese. At the same time we are proud of our cultural independence and uniqueness that has formed over centuries and today we seem to have a superiority complex over the Chinese, as far as cultural suaveness goes.
There is a stereotype (justifiable or unjustifiable, up for debate) that the Chinese are crude, uncouth, uncultured, etc. Most of this is formed from the typical Korean's interaction with a Chinese tourist (or a mob of Chinese trourists), who have built a reputation for not behaving well while visiting other places. It is important to note that, this was the exact image of a Korean when visiting other countries only a few decades ago. And it is also the image of a Japanese tourist even before that. I see this as a phase that a newly developed and affluent country's folks go through as they intermingle with other cultures. I am sure the British were equally appalled at the crudeness of Americans when they first started to go to Britain in the 19th century.


There is a lot of envy here. The size and might of the country lets China face off against the US, Russia and Japan on equal terms. Not so for Korea, given its position inbetween China and Japan, its dependence on foreign trade with US and China and Japan, and the military presence (dependent on US for a meaningful part of military capabilities)


很赞哦! ()
