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Discussion: Why is China not openly criticising Russia in the war against Ukraine?
2022-05-04 互联网 722 收藏 举报

Jesuan Wu
China did not openly criticise the US in its war against Afghanistan.

Why would China be any different with Russia and Ukraine?

Nathan James
First of all, China does not interfere in other nations’ matters. Russia’s war is not China’s business.

Unlike the arrogant and self-righteous Western countries that feel entitled to antagonize Russia, throw fuel to the fire by sending arms to Ukraine, and sanction Russia, China is working as a neutral third party to broker peace between Russia and Ukraine.

Second, China recognizes the truth that USA (and NATO) have been provoking Russia for decades. If you poke a bear in the eye with a sharp stick, you should not be surprised if it lashes out at you.

China realizes that both sides are culpable for this crisis. That’s why she is neutral.

Marcus Yan
Short answer: Because they don’t care. They don’t care about Russia and they don’t care about Ukraine.

I don’t blame them. Two countries on the other side of the world in a conflict, that does not involve them while they have a rolling Covid-19 shut-down which will no doubt cost them more than they realise.

Having seen many posts of this nature on Quora, I noticed something. Most of them are simply criticisms of the West with the obligatory accusations of Hypocrisy. That’s nothing new if you’re used to Quora. Sometimes they talk about the Russians and their side of the story. However, and I could be wrong, but they seem to rarely talk about the Ukranians.

Some of the Chinese panel shows are simply slinging matches with Americans and Europeans.

PS. On further consideration, I think what’s happening is that China is using the war in Ukraine as ammunition to attack the West. This keeps the Media wars firmly on Ukraine and not on the fallout of China’s lockdowns.

China doesn't have to do that.

China sticks to independent foreign policy.

It's Russia and Ukraine who need to sit down to explore ways to solve their disputes.

The US, NATO and so many countries have criticized Russia and imposed various kinds of sanctions onto Russia.

Does this help to ease the tensions between Russia and Ukraine?

No, it's adding oil onto fire.

They are bringing more damage and destruction to Ukraine by sending weapons there and make the situation escalating.

Can you help me fight your friend so that I can concentrate on fighting you later?


June Yu
The thing is: the West doesn’t even let their people know what China has done in this conflict and what it has offered as solution. Even if they do, average people in the West will not be able to understand.

An average person in the West will have no idea what it is when react to China’s recent claims and appeals to the situation in Ukraine. Because the context is totally different to what he learned from the Western media. It only will create cognitive disorder and make his brain crash.

The Western political circle has become an echo chamber, a stage in front of a mirror. Their people are manipulated by the elites, who eventually have to react to the people’s will. They are totally living in the bubble and are just out of touch of the reality. What really has happened in Asia and in Ukraine is irrelevant now, because the Western media can’t go back to tell the truth and let its people know how many lies it has been telling in the first place.

Robert Vogel
Because it is not in China’s best interests.

China and Russia are two of the largest countries in the world, at least as far as land mass. As large countries, both nations have access to a lot of resources. China and Russia view the United States as a common antagonist to their goals. Russia was also a superpower once, and China is on track to become a superpower in the decades ahead.

All of this says that China and Russia have a lot in common, and so, at least for the time, they are allies.

China is also playing a few more delicate game of statesmanship than Russia is, as many of the nations that oppose China’s interests also deal with China. Despite being on opposite sides of the world stage from the United States, both countries do a lot of trading, so China does not want to offend the United States by openly supporting Russia.

On the other hand, if Russia gets its way, it will conquer and absorb Ukrain

There is also something else at play here - Taiwan.

At the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1955, China was split into two areas, mainland China and Taiwan. Taiwan is made of Chinese people, has Chinese culture.

Officially, China claims that Taiwan is still part of the Chinese government, and the Taiwan government is even legally prohibited from using it’s official name “The Republic of China”. Taiwan is only recognized as a separate nation by 13 members of the UN.

But it is clear that China wants to take Taiwan, by force if necessary.

Russia’s attempt to conquer Ukraine is like a playbook for how an attempt by China to conquer Taiwan would go. While there are differences in how a (for-now) theoretical invasion of Taiwan would play out. China could very well be waiting and watching the invasion of Ukraine in order to take notes on how it could do likewise to Taiwan.


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