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How long will it take China and Russia to dexe the US dollar?
2022-04-08 刘德华 785 收藏 举报
Paul Denlinger
It's not up to China and Russia; it's up to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states.


If Saudi Arabia' s Prince Muhammad bin Salman decides he wants Saudi Arabia to be paid in Chinese yuan for its oil, youcan expect the US's Operation Saudi Freedom to start tomorrow.

见美国来一 场沙特自由行动了。

Sathis Kumar
Hahaha... Operation Saudi Freedom.. that's a good. When it comes to hypocricy, America takes the gold silver and bronze


Darryl Shannon
But it seems to me that China does not want the yuan to be a global currency. Saudi Ara bia can't ask customers to pay in yuan because no one outside of China holds yuan, by design of China, since they don't want their currency to be subject to outside control.


For other customers to hold yuan, China would have to import goods and pay for them with yuan. In other words, run a trad
e deficit, which is obviously exactly opposite China's economic policy for decades, which is to encourage exports and discourage imports.


The USdollar is a global currency because we run a trade deficit, we import more goods than we export and pay with dollars. China is not going to follow this model.


Paul Denlinger
This situation is beginning to change with the introduction of the digital yuan.


The digital yuan is being introduced first in Asia in the RCEP region maimly for trade.


I agree that China does not want the yuan to become the global reserve currency, because it means having a large military to act as enforcer for W all Street.


Thien Dang
China is holding large amount of USD and be able to manipulate USD against RMB without problem. The same will be appliedif too much RMB outside China then other countries can do the same. I think Japanese economic collapsed because of this reason by having too much Japanese dollar on global market.


China has learnt from Japan problem how to prevent from economic collapsed by currency manipulation by others. As the same token Japan has learnt from China how to withstand US trade war. That's why Japan is increasing holding USD and on another hand cllcting Japanese dollars back.


Remember USD currency fighting is many to one, which means the W estern group will dump all unlike currency at once, not 0nly US and another currency fighting each other.

要记住,对美元战争是一场多对一的战争,这意味着西方团体会一 下子把所有不喜欢的货币都放弃掉,而不只是美元和其他某

Because of not much of RMB on global market, the currency fighting tactic does not work on China. At worse China can use USD to buy back all RMB on global market.


BTW RCEP is just started and BRI is still in warming up, and US has a fleet of military at door step as well as interferi
ng in to China internal matters such as Taiwan, Hong Kong and Western China. And the world is still fighting on both softand hard power.

顺便一提, R(CFP刚刚开始,一带一路仍然在上升期,美国还有一支舰队停在家门口,并且在台湾、香港和中国西部的问题上一

Therefore it's need not to hurry for RMB to float in to global market, except for friendly countries such as Russia, Pakistan, Iran and a few but with limited amount approved between central banks. Which means China is heavily protected RMB from out flowing.


Currency is a economy blood, too much bleeding will lead economy in to trouble.


Darryl Shannon
I don't think that's it. The“global reserve currency" just means that there are lots of dollars held outside the US.

我不觉得仅仅如此。“全球 储备货币”仅仅意味着美国国外有大量的美元。

This is good for the US in the sense that we paid for stuff with dollars, which we can create by fiat, and got the imported goods, and then the dollars left our economy and never came back, aka“Seigniorage - Wikipedia". But it also means atrade deficit, it means it's harder to export US goods than otherwise.


It also means that US currency is subject to outside forces for good or bad. Here we are, discussing whether certain countries will or will not accept payment in dollars and what that will mean for the US economy.


China's policy has been the opposite, to not allow yuan to leave the country. China has the second-largest military in the world, so the size of the military has nothing to do with reserve currency status.


The US has deliberately encourages export of US dollars, which is why there are all these reserve dollars around the world. China has deliberately made export of Chinese Yuan extremely difficult/impossible. So yuan will never be a reserve currency unless China reverses this economic policy, which seems unlikely given how successful it has been.


Paul Denlinger
It is about enforcement because the US military has acted as the enforcer for Wall Street business interests for more than the past century.

重点是强制手段,因为美国军队在过去至少-个世纪以来, 一直都在扮演华尔街企业的强粥手段的角色。

The only American ever to win the Congressional Medal of Honor twice, General Smedley Butler, even wrote a book about itin the 1930s titled“War is a Racket". Its copyright is expired, so you can read it for free. Look it up. The only difference was that Smedley Butler fought in China for Standard oil interests and then fought in central American for United Fruit Company interests.

唯一一位获得过两次国 会荣誉勋章的美国人,斯梅德利。巴特勒将军,在上世纪30年代甚至写了一本书,名叫《战争是- -场闹

The danger for the US now is that other countries are getting wise to the fact that by buying US debt and US currency, they are supporting the American lifestyle so that Americans can continue to enjoy a standard of living which they have NOT earned through their own work.


The way to break this cycle and make the world a fairer place is to stop buying US debt and using US dollars, and using other currencies. Basically, the world has been giving Americans revolving credit which they don t deserve,and it is timeto look for other places to put their hard earned money.

界- -直在为美国提供他们配不上的信用,因此是时候把他们辛辛苦苦挣来的钱仿造别的地方了。

Andrew Qian
Darryl is correct in that you need to have large trade deficits to enable this currency overvaluation from being thereserve currency.


I think where the subtlety comes in is that China can send RMB to oil producers and then have it come back elsewhere. That would increase the value of the RMB if it doesn't need to be exchanged for USD.


Paul Denlinger
It looks to me like RMB will be used to pay for oil, and then it will come back in the form of Chinese arms purchases from the ME countries, because Chinese arms sales all over the world are picking up dramatically.


Time for Operation Chinese Freedom!


Daniel Kalchev
Right. China exports more, so they will suck back yuans. Then in order to get yuan to buy their stuff, others will have to deposit other currencies, in China This way China can control the exchange rate for the yuan, and avoid their stuff being too cheap for others, like the US and EU who print fiat money.


Pretty much what Russia is doing recently.


Ben Lu
Reserve currency is needed by most countries for international trade purposes which are conducted mainly in USD, especially energy and raw material resources. If the world's major trading nations work to use many more currencies than today, USD invariably would be less needed as reserved currency.


Darryl Shannon
Yes, but the main other reserve currency is the Euro (sucessor to Deutschmark), with much smaller presence of British pound and Japanese Yen.

没错,但是另一种储备货币的备选项是欧元(德国马克的继承者) ,此外还有少量的英镑和日元。

The likely outcome is that the dollar will slowly be a smaller and smaller percentage of reserve currency.


A dollar collapse is possible if the US has an economic crisis, but the crisis will cause the dollar to lose value, not the other way around A purely financial crisis caused by countries all over the world just changing policy overnight is na
tionalist wishful thinking,


And of course, China doesn' t want to intentionally cause a dollar decline because that would wipe out the value of theirenormous dollar holdings

而且当然了,中国是不可能蓄意造成-场美元贬值的, 因为这会把他们自己持有的巨额美元储备的价值-笔勾销。

Maybe China's might someday plan on intentionally creating a financial crisis with the idea that they will end up stronger afterward, but it seems a very risky move,


Economics is not a zero-sum game. China's current economic policy seems to be working very successf ully, so what is their incentive to suddenly change and pursue a confrontational economic strategy?


I guess some unavoidable political/ military crisis could cause an economic war, with the economic losses to China just being counted as part of the cost of the war. But the other way around seems unlikely.


Ben Lu
Because of western sanctions, Russia today already starts the ball rolling by requiring Roubles for its gas. ReportedlyRoubles for R ussia oil and other raw materials are also in the pipeline.


The Russian move would likely serve as example for others to do likewise and be independent from USD, Ero...and free from western currencues hegemony.


Kok Yun Lim
The turning point is Saudi Arabia and OPEC which currencies are to be used for paying Oil. Lately, Saudi Arabiaaccepted"Yuan* business transactions.


Toderel Adrian- Aurel
why house of saudi and not the iran neigborhor? for me look like a more safe baby first steps of e-yuan!


Jran+Afganistan +Pakistan economic block with increased ties to China is a real thing!


Martin Vratny


More likely, a long-lost heir to the Throne would show up all of a sudden and it would be the duty of the US to maintainpeace and put a stop to the civil war.

更有可能的是,一 位失踪多年的王位继承人- 夜之间出现,然后就是美国的责任去站出来维持世界和平,阻止内战发生了。

Pavel Fekula
AlI MBS has to do is buy S-400s and that threat goes away..

萨勒曼王储需要做的仅仅是购买S 400而已, 这样威胁就没了....

Roland R uben
Saudi Arabia needs America because of their number one nemesis, Iran. Both are fighting for dominance in M iddle East fordecades since the revolution 1979. Iran nowaday has much more military power than SA. The only one can prevent Iran from coming to SA is USA. I dont think SA will ditch USA so easily.


Patrick Koh
Watch the media. Suddenly they may discover a medi state that is bad, unfree, undemocratic, authoritarian, unfair, unjustwith a terrible HR record, and not in keeping with international norms. The sleeper orgs and potential dissidents will start getting more USD and creating freedumb activists and heroes.

盯紧点儿媒体吧。他们可能突然之间就要发现- - 一个名叫沙特阿拉伯的邪恶,不自由,不民主,集权,不公平,不公正的中世纪国家,人权记录糟糕得一 塌糊涂,并且拒绝遵从国际社会的行为准则。休眠细胞和持异见者可能要拿更多的美元,开始制造一些自由行动家和英雄了。

Hope not.


Overall, USD dominance will steadily decline in a financial evolution, but I doubt the money world would want a revolution.


Juan N ufiez
Like Venezuela, that suddenly become democratic and capitalist after Russian invasion. It isjust a matter of stretching definitions.


Zachary Reid
Iran, for one, would probably welcome that, In return the USA might suddenly discover ITran's good qualities.


Nalini Koutha
Now india is plannint to buy russian oil in rouble and will the USA start operation india freedom ?

Chen Yongqi [陈勇气]

Hahaha... very good one. They will want to liberate India from ruble oppression and the dangers of communism.


L (Luis) Figueroa
One has to wonder if a lightweight M iddle Eastern ruler in a nasty part of the world, who would have trouble defending his country without U.S. weapons and military assistance if Iran decided to make a run for his oil wealth, would have that kind political and economic power to determine the fate of the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency? I for one have doubts,but stranger things have occurred.


Paul Denlinger
He has been refusing to answer Biden's phone calls. Same for UAE.


L (Luis) Figneroa
True, but he did recently accept U.S. military systems to protect against attacks. Perhaps he understands that his kingdom is toast without the U.S. military assistance, at least for now,


Neale Johns
This military assistance seems to be unable to stop missiles, so perhaps Russian defence systems would be a better option


L (Luis) Figueroa
Well, in the past other M iddle Eastern countries bought Russian SAM systems. Egypt comes to mind in their wars against Israel. I wonder how those systems performed?


Andrew Chang
They just had an OIC meeting I believe there will be candid discussion on the role of Arab and Arab countries and the Islamic world in the post USD world?台T 以


Gene Haba
I say just let the US go back to being the major exporter of energy to the world. We already supply 40% of the worlds' fod. We have the assets for 500 years plus. Then let all the global energy poker players have at it with the winner take Texas hold-em. Fuck them all. And don't let the Chicoms buy any US farmland or farmer technology firms or invest in them.

产。那么就让世界上所有的能源国家都来打一 场德州扑克吧。把他们都干烂。而且别再让中共购买美国的农地或者农业科技企业了,也不要让他们投资。

Paul Denlinger
Energy won' t employ many Americans.


Or doesn't that matter to you?


All the energy exports you talk about are being phased out by renewable energy and nuclear energy.


Or haven't you thought of that?


Tony Uguccioni
The day the USD looses global dominance is the day the world looses the global peace provided by one guy having, by far,this biggest stick.

美国失去全球霸权的那一天,就是全世界失去由一 个持有最大的大棒的人所提供的世界和平的那一 天。

Like it or not the European and Asian countries consistently went to war with eachother throughout history untill one day, someone had a big stick a asked people to provoke him..

不论你喜不喜欢,欧洲和亚洲国家在历史上- -直都在发生战争,直到某一 天,有个拿着大棒子的人站了出来,让别人去招惹他....

the USD was used as the foundation for global economic development and in return the US has more guns than people pointed at anyone looking to mess up the system.

美元就是全球经济发展的基石,作为回报,美国有比人还多的枪,指着所有想要把这一 套体制弄烂的人。

Guess how much this Bill is actually worth?


2.7 Censl!!!


Thats the Cost of the Paper , the Inks and the plate aggregated over several billions of dollars printed.


This is just a piece of Paper - which is a Debt issued by the US Government tellingyou- THIS IS A DEBT AND I OWE YOU 100 DOLLARS EQUIVALENT OF MONETARY CLOUT

这只是一 张纸一 本质是美国政府给你的一份欠条,告诉你这是一 种张欠条,我欠你与100美元等值的货币影响力。

Since the 1970s - its not even lixed to Gold anymore.

自从上世纪70年代以来, 它甚至不再与黄金挂钩了。

So if you have 100 Million Dollars - it technically just means The US Government owes you 100 Million Dollars equivalent
of Monetary Clout.


So why is the Dollar regarded so powerful?


Beause US has forced almost all the Commodities to be valued and traded only in US Dollars.


For instance when oil is priced at $ 120 a Barrel - it gives value to this 3 Cent picce of paper as 5/6th of a Barrel of


For instance when Gold is priced at $ 1900 an ounce - it gives value to this 3 Cent piece of paper as 1/19th of an Ounceof Gold !!


Since every Commodity is valued and traded in US Dollars, these worthless pieces of paper gain value and become the basis for more and more transactions


Using this Clout of the Dollar- US Treasury keeps on printing more and more and more pieces of paper because they contro I almost everything from Gold to Coal to Silver to N ickel to Oil to Gas.

通过美元的这种影响力,美国财政部就一直在印刷越来越多的小纸片, 因为他们控制着从黄金到煤炭到白银到镍到石油到天然

Your entire exchange rate in many cases is purely based on the USD exchange rate today.


This is called DOLLAR HEGEMONY


Today when Russia sells oil。It first prices the oil in Dollars per Barrel and then converts it into Ruble


For instance - Today Oil is $ 120 a Barrel so Russia prices the OIl at 120* 83 = 9960 Rubles a Barrel

举个例子,今天的油价是120美元-桶,所以俄罗斯把石油定价在120*83 = 9960卢布- 桶的价格。

Imagine what would happen if this Pricing Stopped???


Lets say Russia decides to price its Oil in Rubles.


Lets say Russia calcuates its Expenses , Cost of Building Pipelines, Labour, Maintenance costs all in Rubles and decides to price its oil in Rubles

假如说俄罗斯算了一下开销, 建造管线的成本,劳动力的成本,维护的成本,都用卢布计算,然后直接用卢布进行定价。

Russia would price Oil in Rubles without needing to price the same in Dollars.


Russia could declare 8000 Rubles for 1 Barrel of Oil and now the Ruble becomes 1/8oooth a Barrel of oil in value

那么俄罗斯就可以给1桶石油定价8000卢布,现在- -卢布就拥有1800桶石油的价值了。

Russia could price all exports in R ubles and all Imports in domestic currencies, determine Exchange rates on a Trade -Trade basis and sell oil per those rates.


Now imagine Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela doing the same thing


Pricing their oil in domestic currencies based on their own De mand and Supply and not in US Dollars.


The 100 US Dollar Bill would no longer be 5/6 of a Barrel of oil


Sure US produces a Lot of Oil as does Canada but US has printed too much money and the money printed is easily 10-12 times the value of the Oil,


So slowly the US dollar becomes mere pieces of paper globally


Now imagine China prices all their Exports in their own Yuan and settles exchange rate based on Mutual Trade???

现在想象一-下, 中国如果把所有的出口都用自己的人民币来结算,并且用双边贸易来决定汇率呢?

If All Oil and Gold Producing and any Commodity Exporting N ations priced their Oil in their own domestic currencies based on Domestic Demand and Supply


If all Trade was done using Mutual Currency Swaps with no Currency (AKA Only Digital Currency)


Then Dollar Hegemony could be ended comfortably.


of course you should note - Saddam Hussein and Gadaffi could have been destroyed precisely because they were going on the same route.


US knows if this happens - THE DEATH WARRANT OF US WILL BE SIGNED.


So US will do whatever it takes to prevent it from happening

所以,美国为了阻止这种事情的发生将会不顾- -切。

It may be why US is so Anti Putin. My Guess is US realized one day Putin would price Gas and Oil in Rubles only and not in US Dollars.


So i think if Putin guaranteed that he would price all his oil and Gas in USD for the next 20 years - I think US will gif
thim Zelenskys Head in less than 10 days.


James Chrisholm
When all the countries do not have a balanced trade, how will money flow be determined in a multi-currency world? Say China sells more manufactured goods to R ussia than R ussia sels energy, food and commodities to China. China will run out of Rubles. Even when we use gold, some countries will run out of it sooner or later. hence a recycling mechanism is necessary for it to work.


It will probably herald an age of more equitable global prosperity ys one where all money goes to New York or London.


Robert Quek
Just on your para 1, China & Russia trade with each other. They have a currency swab agreement.

回答一下你的第一 段,中国和俄罗斯是彼此贸易的。他们有货币互换协议。

At pre-agreed interval, say one month, the two central banks settled the net difference. If net difference is Yuan, and R ussia does not have Yuan, the difference is converted into a Yuan debt

按照预先约定的周期,比如说一一个月, 两大央行将会结算贸易净差。如果净差在人民币这边,但俄罗斯没有人民币了,那么净差就会被转化成人民币的债务。

Or China may be repaid in Ruble, which it holds as foreign reserves, say in Russian bonds or in direct investments.


Technology has made it easy to deal in multi-country trade and in multi-currencies.


Prasad Krishna
Wish all the importers pay the exporters in their country's currencies. No need to keep dollars for anyone. The dollar e xchange alone is screwing economies 3oomn people holding 8bn- 300 million at hostage and subservient. Dollar has to be supp orted by Gold or some asset.


Ashutosh B hadauria
For sustainable global trade, we need a common currency backed by strong economy, free from government manipulation. USD is only currency at the moment which fulfill most of criteria for easy businesses.

为了可持续的世界贸易的进行,我们需要一个有着强大经济的共同货币的支持, 并且没有政府的干预。美元只是目前暂时的货币解决方案,它能够满足让生意做得更轻松的绝大多数要求。

To whatever extentwe bash US or Dollar hegemony, Dollar is not going to anywhere atleast another half a century.


Size of Russian economy doesn't give Ruble that strength and confidence to take on USD one on one.


British pound and Japanese yen are most suitable contender for replacing USD in global trade but they have already accept ed the US dominance.


Then come to Chinese yuan- next big thing Backed by a strong economy plus $3 tillion+ as foreign reserves. Also unlike their British and Japanese counterparts, Chinese have ambitions to counter US dominance.


But it is still longway to go for Chinese yuan, Trust is biggest issue. Unlike USD, yuan is still not free traded currenc
y and posses a greater risk for global trade incase of government manipulation.

但是对于人民币来说还要很长的- -段路要走。信任就是最大的问题。和美元不同的是,人民币仍然不是可以自由兑换的货币,并且有更大的受政府操纵的国际贸易风险。

Even Chinese the mselves using USD reserves to give Yuan stability and credibility.


James McCuvy
I understand that in history, these things don't happen all at once. We have 11% real inflation now, which is almost unh ceard of for us, probably it will be made worse by sanctions ,so perhaps there will be a period of multiple reserve currenc

我理解在历史上,这些事情是不会一下子发生的。 我们现在有11%的通货膨胀,这对于我们来说简直是闻所未闻,并且很可能在制裁之下情况会变得更糟,所以或许会有一段多重储备货币的时期。

Ashutosh Bhadauria
I agree that using currency as weapon against other countries, raising questions over US way of handling the crises.


The way US unilaterally sanctioned the Russia, it hurting whole world because you don't have capacity and capabilities to .fill the vaccume.


World is more cautious than ever on dependency on USD and tallk of diversification is strongest in history. But the fact isyou can't replace USD overnight which has almost over 80% dependency as common currency for global trade.


Most prominent solution is Yuan can be best alternative but since Chinese economy is export driven, it's not easy for China to pump more local currency out of china It will strengthen the Yuan and hurt Chinese badly.

人民币作为最强大的解决方案可以成为最好的替代选项,但是由于中国经济是出口驱动的,对于中国来说,把更多的本国货币泵到外国并不是一 件容易的事情。这会让人民币走强,严重伤害中国人的生活。

Even in IMFs SDR, USD has highest waitage. So even if world is agree, it still need time to to change the world border let's say another two or three dacedes if not less


Deepak Yadav
India should definitely go for Mr.Putin and help him economically rather than supporting Comedian Zelensky and Democratic Junkies. The relations between India and R ussia are based on trust how can we trust American's who were responsible for spreading chaos in Ukraine by selling their weapons to Ukraine and get profits from sales of their weapons against Russia.


"Karma" taught Zelensky very well and now he wants help from India, their people should ask Zelensky why did he dragged the people in the war which was impossible to win?

“因果报应”已经给泽连斯基上了很好的一刻,现在他们希望从印度得到帮助, 他们的人民应当问问泽连斯基,为什么他把人民拖入了一场不可能打赢的战争?

That's why Dollars are cheaper and useless than Trust


Many European nations don't know about Indian foreign policy, that's quite a shame indeed!


Daniel Augustine(UR)
The country with the largest military force will always have the most powerful currency


Subrahmanyam M arripoodi
But the problem is - the US is the biggest market for everything that the humanity produces. She is the biggest consumer on the Earth. From the Arctic to Antarctica, From fruits to pharma


The US pays others for the supplies in dollars but not in the currency of the supplying country. (And most supplying coun tries are under the protective umbrella of the USA) So all countries have dollars in abundance but not any other currency with them. So they cannot pay for their imports in any currency other than the US dollar.


CONCLUSION :It is impossible to end the dollar hegemony in our lifetime, at least as long as it is deemed to be the most valuable legal tender in South Asia, a region where 1.8 billion people live.


Exceptional scenario : Your fond wish will come true only if something serious and drastic happens to the USA

例外的情况:只有非常严重的事情发生到了美国头上,你们的- -厢情愿才会成真。

Vivekanand Singh
i don't think china would be benefit from Russia elling oil against ruble. Cos biggest lender of US govt is china. They
have the maximum holding of US govt bonds. So if USD plunges, biggest looser after US would be china


很赞哦! ()
