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China’s Middle East Deal: Iran & Saudi Arabia Reestablish Relations as U.S. Watches from Sidelines
2023-03-14 互联网 744 收藏 举报
Randle Beckford

By far, Saudi Arabia has been America's most significant arms buyer, instability in the region has always been good for business.


Tesfazion Debesu

What a big blow to the West!


Foo O

Another indicator of the US' complete lack of interest in promoting peace and regular relations between adversarial nations.


Alina Zang

@4:10 he admits how the US would've done it..by providing "security guarantees".  That's just another word for military and lethal means. Peace through firepower eventually just leads to war.


Zeis Siez

As a neighbor and trading partner of China dated back two thousand years ago, many of us here expected this to happen when China is strong: peace, trades, prosperity. What happened between Iran and Saudi was the evidence. 
Congratulations to Saudi Arabia and Iran, this means much more than just two countries, it also means the conflicts in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon could be resolved too. Particularly the Yemeni war, which saw half a million people killed and millions in starvation.


dorji Wangchuk

The world needs the leaders who listen to their hearts rather than politically courrupted heads


Greg Wang

A simple truth of the matter is the US is never interested in regional peace and prosperity but their own interests which they always label it national security, as if other countries national security is never of issues at all, the US credit and reputations are totally bankrupt by its own actions! Why? It’s beyond logic 101.


Aidan Lille

Kirby said to Tuck Chodd that, "we have seen Iran enter into commitments that they don't follow through". The neck of this guy. He knows that Tuck is not going to point out the absurdity of a US official saying this. It was the US who pulled out of the Iran deal.


Gnirps Naireip

Chinese think of security and economic development as an inseparable dual. You can’t have one without the other. China wants to lead with diplomacy and then follow with economic development to build on and cement the stability with prosperity. That’s the key ideas laid out in two white-papers recently released by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Global Development Initiative and Global Security Initiative. China is a populous country with limited resource. It has to rely on trade to prosper and has the most vested interested in trading with everyone and hence peace with everyone.


Margaret ElMajed

We need more peace like this. Good job China.


History Discover

As my family remain in camps around Bethlehem, Palestine, I truly hope that one day the people of our own region can decide our fate and that the rest of the world will unite together in the belief that Apartheid is wrong and should end. Free Palestine!


Adam Eve

Chinese soft power achieved without war, rich for US to say about meeting obligations, already the US is throwing spanner in the works.


Sarah Khan

The world needs peacemakers not warmongers. Excellent diplomacy from the Chinese great wisdom and effort to restore peace between them. Well done Saudi Arabia Iran China Friendship. Soon they will be meeting in BRICS+ and other friendly economic forums. May peace prevail across the globe.



Hopefully this will lead to the end of the catastrophe in Yemen. People there suffered enough.


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