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More than 2m adults in UK cannot afford to eat every day, survey finds
2022-05-12 互联网 705 收藏 举报
More than 2m adults in UK cannot afford to eat every day, survey finds
-One in seven adults estimated to be food-insecure, up 57% from January, owing to rising cost of living


(Food banks say people are requesting food that does not need to be cooked or stored in a fridge or freezer.)


More than 2 million adults in the UK have gone without food for a whole day over the past month because they cannot afford to eat, according to a survey revealing the “catastrophic” impact of the cost of living crisis.


The latest survey of the nation’s food intake shows a 57% jump in the proportion of households cutting back on food or skipping meals over the first three months of this year, with one in seven adults (7.3 million) estimated to be food-insecure, up from 4.7 million in January.


The shadow work and pensions secretary, Jonathan Ashworth, described the findings as devastating, saying they exposed how families were being left in desperate hardship. “Boris Johnson is responsible for this crisis and has no solutions to fix it,” he said.


The survey came as one of Britain’s biggest energy suppliers called for urgent government action to help households cope with an anticipated £1,000 rise in bills this winter. The London fire brigade, meanwhile, was forced to issue an urgent safety warning against improvising fires at home, after a man set fire to his house by burning timber in his living room to keep warm.


The research by the Food Foundation thinktank found millions more people – including 2.6 million children – report they now have smaller meals than usual, regularly skip meals altogether or do not eat when they are hungry, as food insecurity returns to levels last seen at the start of the first national lockdown.


However, while many reported missing out on meals or eating irregularly during the first months of the pandemic because of food scarcity caused by panic buying and supply problems, the latest increase is put down to rising costs and poverty.


Food banks are reporting that energy costs are so prohibitive for some people they request that charity food parcels that contain no food that has to be cooked using a cooker or that needs to be stored in a fridge or freezer.


The rapid deterioration in food security reflects soaring energy, food and petrol prices coupled with below-inflation benefit rises. The Food Foundation said it was so shocked by its initial findings that it reran the survey on a wider basis, only to get the same results.


It predicted food insecurity figures were likely to get worse over the next few months as inflation continues to rise and the full impact of April’s national insurance rise hits family budgets along with the lifting of the energy price cap.


Anna Taylor, the foundation’s executive director, said: “The extremely rapid rise in food insecurity since January points to a catastrophic situation for families. Food insecurity puts families under extreme mental stress and forces people to survive on the cheapest calories, which lead to health problems.”


Prof Sir Michael Marmot, a public health expert at University College London, said: “If one household in seven is food insecure, society is failing in a fundamental way. These figures on food insecurity are all the more chilling because the problem is soluble, but far from being solved it is getting worse.”


There is little expectation that ministers will raise benefits or expand free school meals anytime soon, despite rising public concern over the cost of living. Last week, George Eustice, the environment, food and rural affairs secretary, urged consumers to switch to value brands to save on grocery spending in response to rising food prices.


“Bless him [Eustice], he’s actually aware there are cheaper brand foods in the world. The poor man, who has lived such a sheltered life he thought 10p off a tin of beans would solve the problem,” said Kathleen Kerridge, an office manager and food activist from Portsmouth.


On the food poverty frontline, charities are warning that demand for food is rising as budgets get tighter. Ellen-Scarlett Ryan, of Bassetlaw food bank in Worksop, said it supplied 24 households with food parcels on the day after Easter last month, way ahead of its previous record of 16.


Many of these clients had never before used food banks and were struggling with their newfound reliance on charity to feed their families, Ryan said. “We are finding people in floods of tears. They are so scared, they are at their wits’ end. It is such a difficult and emotional time.”


Households were making the food go further, she said, putting smaller portions on the table and bulking out dishes with lentils and rice. A growing number were asking for food that did not require cooking with the gas on, as they could not afford to put cash in the meter.


On Monday Keith Anderson, the chief executive of Scottish Power, said a fresh support package would be vital before a further dramatic increase in the cost of gas and electricity bills due in October.


A government spokesperson said: “We recognise the pressures on the cost of living and we are doing what we can to help, including spending £22bn across the next financial year to support people with energy bills and cut fuel duty.


“For the hardest hit, we’re putting an average of £1,000 more per year into the pockets of working families on universal credit, have also boosted the minimum wage by more than £1,000 a year for full-time workers and our household support fund is there to help with the cost of everyday essentials.”

aintbroke_dontfixitUnited Kingdom
If you prioritise your spending correctly so food and heat and light are the first things you buy out of what money you have very few people in the UK cannot afford to eat and keep the lights on.
I can guarantee you a lot of these people won't be doing that and instead spending money they should be spending on food on discretionary spending or servicing the debt they've accrued from living beyond their means. My brother's job is helping people in debt and one of his biggest frustrations is there are quite a lot who would have enough money if they didn't spend £10 a day on a pack of 20 cigarettes, over £3500 a year but who refuse to give up. They'll usually bang on about it being the only thing they can afford to enjoy as justification for not stopping completely oblivious to just how much they'd be able to do with the money they smoke every week if they stopped.


generalscruffSmooth Brain Gang
The cost of living is a massive issue but when media sources interview someone and their monthly recurring expenses include stuff like designer clothes for kids or pet insurance (ones I saw in a BBC article) it undermines the discussion to the detriment of those who are genuinely struggling


DontMuchTooThinkUnited Kingdom
Vets are ridiculously expensive. Bills can be in thousands if you're unlucky to have a sick pet. Sure they could not have pets, but if they do, having pet insurance is the safer/more predictable way to bugdet.


Competitive-Tax1288 27
I think you underestimate how many people are struggling in this country, food bank use (and fuel poverty as of late) has absolutely exploded in the last 10 years. And at the end of the day that is a systematic issue because of UK government failures, not because people have gotten any worse at spending their money.


aintbroke_dontfixitUnited Kingdom
And at the end of the day that is a systematic issue because of UK government failures, not because people have gotten any worse at spending their money.
It's got fuck all to do with government failures and everything to do with people making piss poor decisions. We had this proven during 2020-21 when everything non-essential was closed down by the government, people weren't able to go to Starbucks, Costa, Greggs, Maccy Ds, they weren't able to go to the pub or club on a weekend, go on holiday etc etc. And what happened when people were forced to cut back to basically only being able to spend their money on essentials because of lockdown? UK personal debt was paid down at a record rate. People saved money at a record rate.
You can feed someone well in this country for under £30 per person, heat and light a home for £50-£60 a week. How many people in work have incomes that can't meet that?

这tm跟政府的失败有什么关系?这全怪人们自己的错误消费误决。在2020-21年期间,我们证明了这一点,所有非必要的东西都被关闭了,人们不能去星巴克、Costa、Greggs、Maccy Ds,他们不能在周末去酒吧或俱乐部,不能去度假等等。当人们被迫削减开支,基本上只能在必需品上花钱时,会发生什么呢?英国的个人债务以创纪录的速度得到了偿还。人们以创纪录的速度存钱。
在这个国家,每人不到30英镑就能吃饱饭,一周50- 60英镑就能给一个家供暖和照明。有多少人的收入达不到这个标准的?

Food bank use has exploded in line with the amount of personal debt people have. It's not exploded because people don't earn enough to buy food, it's exploded because people have spent so much on discretionary spending and servicing debt that they have to use a food bank to continue to afford to pay for that spending. For example getting a new mobile phone when your contract runs out is seen as normal to do but do you ever stop to think about how that "free upgrade" is funded? Likewise signing up to a PCP deal for £200-£400 a month so you can have a new car every few years which apparently is seen as money saving somehow. If you're spending your money in the correct order food and heat and light are the first two things you spend your money on, not the last. Yet too many in this country are doing it the other way round.

食品银行的使用随着个人债务的增加而激增。它的爆炸式增长不是因为人们赚不到足够的钱来买食物,而是因为人们在可自由支配开支和偿还债务上花了太多钱,以至于他们不得不使用食品银行来继续支付这些必需开支。比如,在合同到期时买一部新手机被认为很正常,但你有没有停下来想过这种“额度免费升级”的钱从哪来?同样的,签一个每月200- 400英镑的小额贷款协议,这样你就可以每隔几年就有一辆新车,这不在怎么的显然被视为“省了一笔钱”。如果你把钱花在正确的顺序上,食物、热量和照明才是你花钱的前两项,而不是最后一项。然而,这个国家有太多的人正在采取相反的做法。

Personal responsibility, the dark friend of Thatcherism. If you look at the percentage of people smoking, that hasn't increased. But the number of people in the UK in poverty (needing food banks) has gone from almost zero to millions in 10 years. This isn't about personal choices, it's about UK governance.
In Venezuela they call it the Maduro Diet when people have lost so much weight due to poverty. Why is it not called the Tort Diet in the UK?


The number food banks is a tricky issue, since they create a feedback loop. Put simply, if a food bank opens, people use it (since it affords them more discretionary spending elsewhere), which means that demand for food banks goes up and therefore more food banks are established. Rinse and repeat.
If we had the same number of food banks in the 1990s as we do today, would the number of food bank users be the same?
Economic indicators of poverty have all declined over the last 30 years, including the last decade, which is somewhat at odds with the narrative created around food bank usage. Adjusted for wage growth or benefits growth, food is also considerably cheaper than it used to be.
Whilst I do believe that more households are being squeezed right now than say in 2019, there’s also a lot of hysterical and extremely disingenuous reporting on this subject.


It's all Thatcherism.
People need basics to live. Clothes, shelter, TV, and now phones. Having a mobile is basic table stakes, as was having a TV in the 90s.
All this "you can't afford food yet you have shoes on your feet" is nonsense.


I moved as a student to Scotland a few years ago. My parents didn’t have much money so after the first year I had to pretty much fend for myself. I worked part-time at a minimum wage which at the time was around £6 per hour. And I still managed to pay my rent, bills, food and even had some leftover money to buy the occasional drink or shoes/clothing. Yes I couldn’t travel, very rarely went out and almost exclusively walked places rather than taking public transport or having a car. But I never would have considered myself poor and this is why I always wonder how is it possible that someone is that poor that they cannot even afford food in this country. I’m not even discussing the benefits system which in my view is a rather generous one compared with other countries. At the same time my parents in Bulgaria are paying more for bills and food than I do in London. Yes, rent can be a bitch in some places in England and if you have kids that’s another burden on the budget but there is government support for that too. I just don’t understand what’s not working properly for there to be such poverty (if there is on the scale that’s presented)


You can eat a meal for pence in the UK. It's simply not true that anyone who properly budgets and prioritises food ever goes without a single meal. Do I think it's true that people with expensive phone contracts or people who prioritise alcohol will go without food? Yes, but that's their choice, it's not reflective of society.
There are many videos on YouTube with people showing how to work around a miniscule budget. It's perfectly feasible. This whole idea is just exaggerated beyond belief.


WhatILackUnited Kingdom
Yeah, I personally don't understand it either. The only way someone isn't eating in the UK is that they're not properly budgeting. They're either spending money on frivolous things like expensive phones / technology or they smoke / drink and waste their money on that.
Food prices in the UK are incredibly cheap compared to most of Europe.


Not going to argue about smoking, definitely better to quit that shit, but point stands: working just for sustenance will do no favours to anyone’s mental health which can lead to further abuse of addictive substances and otherwise damaging behaviour (gambling for example)


It’s a similar case across the western world. According to a French Senate report last year, 8 million people, 1 in 5, in France suffer from food insecurity including skipping meals, not being able to afford their kids’ school lunches, etc. 5.5m rely on food aid and that number doubled from between 2009 and 2017. That is in a country with a much more generous welfare state than Britain.


hypnocentrismUnited States of America
The UK doesn't have a "food stamp" equivalent to what we have in the US? Like a debit card that just buys food that low income people can get. I thought our welfare state was the shitty one..


aintbroke_dontfixitUnited Kingdom
No because people said it would stigmatise those on low incomes. Instead it's much better to give them money they can then go spend on everything else but food first.


they can then go spend on everything else but food first
As should be their right, it's not up to the government to tell you how to spend, if they're not prioritising food it's not the governments fault


aintbroke_dontfixitUnited Kingdom
But then you don't have the right to claim you're in food poverty when you're being given enough to feed yourself. Nor the right to use foodbanks.


It is their right but then it's also their choice. If people choose to spend their money elsewhere, it's not "food poverty", in the same way that its not "technology poverty" if a person chooses to feed themselves and their children, instead of buying the latest iPhone.


Nobody can tell you how to spend money you earned. If you are getting free money (paid by other people) it definitely should come with strings attached.


It's the government's money, which makes it our money. We can damn well tell people to feed their kids before going to the bookies or buying tabs.


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